The Capital Combo

Welcome to the Capital Combo, a blog of the Lansing Pinball League.  Anything posted here can be blamed solely on the post’s author – usually Heather.  It does not represent the official position (or sense of humor) of the League.

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League Night Recap for 2/11/25

It’s sad to write the league night recap this time since it marks the last league night that Ethan played. We lost Ethan unexpectedly last week. I was hoping to feature photos of him in this recap, but then I discovered that it was one of those nights when I got distracted and didn’t start taking photos until near the end of the night, and his only appearance is half of his back. I’m very sorry for that. As it happens, Ethan’s last league night was a very good one for him, as he finished second so far on Bank 4 (Perseus).

New player Greg and old hand Brian, hard at work in the pinball mines.

We had a last and a first on the same night, as so often happens in life. While it was Ethan’s last league night, it was also the first league night for our new member Greg. Greg is new to competition play but not to pinball. Coincidentally, I ran into Greg again not long later at RLM Amusements in Grand Rapids during their Dungeons and Dragons launch party. We didn’t get to play together either time, though. We also have had a temporary departure as Christy is going to be living in Minnesota for a couple of months due to her husband’s work, but she expects to make it back to the league in April in time to qualify for finals.

Christy thought I should be in one of the photos for a change, so she asked me to do a Charlie’s Angels pose with her. Joseph took the photo. Unfortunately the accidental capture of half of Ethan’s back as he plays John Wick in the Smackdown B division finals is my only Ethan photo of the night.

Peter set up streaming on Game of Thrones, giving the people who played bank Corvus that night a chance to be on the stream. Corvus is one of the banks that still retains a fair bit of its “theme.” Corvus is the Crow, so the games mostly have birds in them, with the exception of Attack from Mars which got square-pegged into the bank on the basis that it has flying saucers. Perseus is supposed to be a “heroes and adventure” bank, although I can’t remember how AC/DC ended up in it. I probably just couldn’t figure out where else to put it.

Devon plays in the Smackdown tournament.

Attack from Mars was, for some reason, playing ridiculously tough for people. I don’t think there’s anything I can objectively identify that was different about it, but the scores were remarkably low. I beat the rest of my group with a score of 943M and that score put me above the night’s median for the entire league!

Smackdown undercard winner Joseph and main champ Tim.

Our Tuesday Night Smackdown game was Uncanny X-Men, and the B division played on John Wick. Tim won the A division tournament and Joseph won the B division.

That’s it for yet another recap. See you all shortly. It will be a strangely quiet night without Ethan, but we’ll have each other’s company as consolation.

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In Memoriam: Ethan Reynolds

By now, most of already heard the news that league member Ethan Reynolds died unexpectedly last Tuesday. Below, I am reproducing the announcement of this that I posted in the league Facebook group when I learned about it on Wednesday.

I am terribly sad to have to report that league member Ethan Reynolds passed away yesterday, suddenly and unexpectedly. […] As I am sure is also true for all of you, I was stunned to hear this news. It is incomprehensible to think of someone so vibrant being suddenly gone from the world. Although I did not know Ethan well on a personal basis, I did know him as an indispensable part of the camaraderie of our league. He quickly became one of the core members, the people who make up the league’s personality. He also contributed considerably to the growth of the league in recent years by bringing in friends, and he often recruited people to play in the charity tournaments too, sometimes people who just happened to be at the bar that day! His outgoing nature was legendary to the extent that his name became synonymous with courageous extroversion. If I didn’t have enough people for one of my tournaments, someone might say, “If only we had Ethan here to do his thing” or “We need someone to be an Ethan and go talk to that person playing Medieval Madness.” […]

I am so sorry to lose Ethan and his joyful, fun, and welcoming presence from the LPL, but I know he will never be forgotten by the membership.

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Ethan Reynolds Memorial Charity Tournament

The Ethan Reynolds Memorial Charity Tournament will be held at The Avenue Cafe in Lansing on April 1 at 6:30 pm to celebrate our recently departed member Ethan. The tournament will be “pay what you wish,” with $1 being the minimum to cover IFPA fees, and anything past that being a donation to the Capital Area Humane Society, Ethan’s preferred charity. There will be prize giveaways and trophies for the top three.

The format will be a seven-strikes group strikes format using “fair strikes.” That means that in a four-player group strikes will be 0/1/1/2, in a three-player group 0/1/2, and in a two-player group 0/2.

Come have fun with us – Ethan would have wanted all of us to have a blast!

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League Night Recap for 1/28/25

We had our second league night of the season on January 28, which finished our bank rotation between the first two banks (known to me and Joseph and probably no one else as “Ophiuchus” and “Lepus”). Due to an issue with Batman ’66, we had to switch in Ghostbusters for a backup game, which I don’t think very many people were excited about. When a game switch happens midway through a rotation, we don’t have the people who played the bank during the previous league night replay, since that would be impractical. Instead, we have two separate rankings on the games, each with their own 100/99/98 scores. This does result in the weirdness that for that given night the number of total points is inflated since there are two 100s, two 99s, etc., but I decided it was the least bad way to deal with it.

Two Peters for the price of one: now that’s a Value Price!

The league seems to be growing again as we had more new new players: Darien (Linda’s neighbor, if I’ve got this right), who has played pinball a long time but never in competition; Luc, whom I didn’t get to talk to very much yet; and mother-daughter combo Kim and Payton. Some of the new players were curious about Peter’s streaming rig, which made another appearance tonight, and I was excited to explain to them that people stream pinball on Twitch.

Devon is presumably giving his usual helpful advice to Joseph, like “you should shoot that ramp that you keep missing” and “maybe don’t drain.”

Our Tuesday Night Smackdown game was on Godzilla, so Peter set the streaming rig up on that. The B division was on Monster Bash. Smackdown champion Jason asked if he could wear what he called my “bunny hat” for the photo, meaning the hat that we draw numbers out of for bank assignments at the start of each league night, a tradition dating back to the Matt days. I said sure, but it’s a deer hat, to which he responded that he just assumed it would be a bunny since it was mine. I do own multiple bunny hats (as well as a bunny hoodie and a bunny-hooded cape) but, as I explained, the hat was actually an impulse buy at a gas station somewhere up north many years ago. It was either in Grayling or Gaylord, I forget which – somewhere it made sense to be selling a deer camp souvenir. I managed to prevail in the B division on Monster Bash to join my hat in the photo.

Jason assesses the situation as he steps up to play in Smackdown finals.
Jason wears my deer hat to celebrate being the Smackdown champion and I give a thumbs up for winning B division.

After the first two weeks, the standings aren’t meaningful yet (since everyone drops the two lowest nights), but the final scores for the bank rotation are complete, at least. Right now our champ on Bank 1, Ophiuchus (“the Snake Bearer”), is Danny. Second place belongs to Josh and third to Tim. The winner of Bank 2, Lepus (“The Hare”), is also Danny, but this time Tim has second and Derik has third.

We’re less than a day away from our next league meeting. Peter will surely bring his rig again and we’ll have the usual fun with our Smackdown side tournament, so come early to put some games in! See you all soon!

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Season 22 Results and Standings

Here is the league’s Google spreadsheet, used to keep track of season standings:

Season 22 Results and Standings

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League Night Recap for 1/14/25

Season 21 got off to an exciting start on January 14. The biggest development was that Peter brought the new streaming rig he had built. That’s right, after 11 years of existence*, LPL has joined the big league! It had its soft launch during the previous week’s Lightning Flippers meet, but we had trouble keeping the Internet connection live that time. This time Peter dropped the quality so we were able to stream all night, dividing time between The Beatles (one of the games in bank Lepus) and Cactus Canyon (the Smackdown game).

Brian and Nick are hard at work in the pinball mines.

Another source of excitement was the return of previous league members Mark C., Nick, and Todd, who were absent last season. Now if only Pat would come back, since people keep asking me about him and I don’t know where he disappeared to.

Friend of the league Christy officially joined the league this season. We also were joined by new player Dar, who I believe is a friend of Nathan.

Peter adjusts the streaming rig.

Bank 1 (Ophiuchus) started off the same way as last season, with Black Knight: Sword of Rage having a malfunction (I don’t remember what it was last time, but this time it was the catapult giving unearned multiballs) and being switched out. The backup game chosen from Bank 7 was Venom. Unfortunately this did force a couple of groups to replay their league game, leading to a rather late ending.

Devon keeping his snarky comments to himself as he watches Jason play in the Smackdown tournament.

Our Tuesday Night Smackdown game was on Cactus Canyon. This was my first time trying out Matchplay as a way of running the Smackdown tournament, which allows me to more quickly see who is qualified for A and B division. As it happens, it also makes for a better streaming display, so Peter was happy. Our Smackdown winner was Jason, and the B division went to Joseph.

Jason plays Cactus Canyon on the stream.

Prior to league I made another attempt to get my button maker to press buttons to give out and it was once again misfiring, which we can’t figure out the source of, since it’s not really something with working parts that can go wrong. Some investigation seems to suggest it might be the printer paper I’m using so I’m going to experiment with that. Joseph and I have both been very busy and much of our pinball time has been devoted to getting ready for and then running the women’s state tournament, so I hope I’ll have more time to work on league stuff now that it’s over. That’s also what has put Joseph behind on getting the league scores entered.

The Smackdown B division winner Joseph, and champion Jason.

*To the best of my knowledge, the Lansing Pinball League is the third oldest league in the state, preceded only by the Grand Rapids Pinball League and Marvin’s Pinball League. There are other leagues that pre-date it, but they are no longer in existence.

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When the March Hare gets mad, does he rage tilt?

The annual Stephen T. Kendrick Memorial March Hare Madness tournament, a charity tournament benefiting the Rabbit and Small Animal Rescue of Westland, returns to The Avenue Cafe on March 18, 2025. The tournament is named in honor of Stephen (2006-2016), the greatest rabbit ever to hop the earth, a giant among rabbits.

This will be a timed group matchplay tournament using the Critical Hit deck. If you haven’t played a Critical Hit tournament before, you’re in for a treat! Every player is dealt cards that allow them to “cast spells” during the tournament. You could force someone to play a game without viewing the display, shake the game to give someone tilt warnings, or even trade scores. It’s a wild time fitting for the name March Hare Madness! Plus, rabbits and magic… it’s a whole thing.

The tournament kicks off at 6 pm and we will play rounds until 10 pm at which point the top four players will play a three-game finals match. The entry fee is $10 which goes 90% to RASA Rescue and 10% to the Sharpe cartel.

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Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant’s Eye Coming to The Avenue

The Avenue Cafe will be receiving a limited edition model Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant’s Eye! We will be holding two launch parties.

The open launch party will be on March 4 and will start at 6:30 pm. It will be a 4-strikes, head-to-head tournament with arena priority set to D&D, meaning one match every round will be played on it.

The Lightning Flippers women’s launch party will be on March 8 at 4:30 pm and will use the same format as the open launch.

Both launch parties will give away a translite as a random prize and have an official launch party plaque for the winner! The open launch party will also give away a banner by random drawing and Stern Insider Connected users who log in during the tournament will receive the virtual launch party badge.

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Finals Recap part 2: Tim’s Long Winter Is Over

The long-predicted new champion of the Lansing Pinball League finally emerged on December 17 as Tim dethroned season 20 champion Brian K. in a two-round final playoff match. Many in the league had been predicting “the season of Tim” for a few seasons now, but in Season 20 Tim was defeated by Brian K. in a similarly hard-fought match. Both times Tim came up through the second-chance bracket.

This final round took place immediately before Super-Ball XXI, popularly known as the Zen Tournament. After the dust of the final battle on Godzilla settled, the attendees finished making up their pairings for the tournament. As neither Tim nor Brian had arranged a partner, the tournament director (this reporter) suggested that they should get together and form a champions’ team, and they did. Christy, who as yet had not participated in league activities but had often visited the league, decided to play and paired with Nathan. Past league participant Orneal also stopped by, offering to play only if someone was needed to even up the teams, but we ended up with an even number this time. It was a festive tournament, being so close to the holidays, and Christy also brought candy sleighs and Christmas cards for everyone.

Ultimately, the Dream Team of Derik and Danny defeated the Champs Team of Tim and Brian in a final match that ended up Black Knight: Sword of Rage. This is the second consecutive win by the Derik-Danny combo.

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Finals Recap Part 1: Biff Gets Away with B Division

Derik poses with his third place trophy. He wanted Tim in the photo, but whether Tim will get first or second remains undecided.

Finals night for Season XXI on December 10 finished with Biff winning the B division championship and A division still left with a final match to go. This season the plan was to break before the final match and run it by appointment, since we would likely be unable to finish the 11-person bracket before closing time, as happened in Season XX. Brian, who progressed through the winner bracket, left before the second-chance bracket finished, leaving Derik and Tim to battle it out in the loser bracket until around midnight. Tim prevailed, leaving Derik to go home with the third-place plaque and setting up a repeat of last season’s Brian-versus-Tim finals. Notably, Danny was unable to attend league finals this season due to being on a cruise. Derik remarked that he was probably playing pinball on the cruise, because there is no way Danny would agree to go on a cruise ship that had no pinball machines.

Linda plays in the Tuesday Night Smackdown tournament while Brian plays in the main tournament.

In B division, Peter finished his first season in LPL with a third place plaque and Biff clawed his way up out of the second-chance bracket to challenge Bryan, who had already beaten him once in the winner bracket. In the first round, he defeated Bryan 2-0, so it went into a second round. It was getting late by the end and Biff decided he wanted things to get over with so he chose the league’s closest thing to a coin-flipper, Getaway. This paid off for him as the B division tournament ended with Biff winning the final round 2-1.

Christy and Dan take a break at the bar.

Heather also presented the usual end-of-season awards. Two of the three went to league newcomer Nathan, who won Most Improved and Worst Game. The Most Improved award is determined by looking at the growth rate of a player over the season and the likelihood that this statistical growth exceeds what would be expected by chance. Joseph runs the numbers and presents a few likely candidates and then Heather makes a final judgment about the award. The other two finalists for the award this season were Danny and Ethan. Worst Game is given to the player whose score on a game is the furthest below the mean on that game for the night, and Nathan won it for a 164M game on Attack from Mars. I’m not sure if it is unfortunate or fortunate that Nathan was ill and unable to attend finals, because when I read the score Derik made me repeat it and then reacted with considerable astonishment. Everyone agreed that it is actually difficult to get a score that low on Attack from Mars, so it is a kind of achievement.

The Best Game award is given for the person whose score is the highest above the mean for a night, and this season it went to Brian, who scored 627M on Stranger Things.

A Tuesday Night Smackdown was also played off on Uncanny X-Men in order to allow people to get the Launch Party badge that was mistakenly not activated during the actual launch party last month. Peter was our Smackdown champion, which also gives him his first official IFPA tournament win. Linda won the B division on Scared Stiff by a very narrow margin.

Smackdown B division winner Linda and champion Peter.

Brian and Tim are set to play off the final match of A division tonight at about 5:30 pm, after which we will have our post-season split flipper tournament, Super-Ball XXI at 7 pm.

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