League Night Recap for 9/25/18

Tyler with his Smackdown Undercard winner medal.

Tyler with his Smackdown Undercard winner medal.

September 25 was the sixth meeting of Season 11 (out of eight) so we are starting to head into the endgame.  Unsurprisingly, this has some members starting to pay close attention to the current standings.  The day of league, I found a message on Facebook from Chris, who (understandably) misunderstood what was actually a spreadsheet error to mean that we had changed the policy for missed meetings from “get last place on all games” to “get 0 points on all games” which makes a huge difference.  Chris missed two meetings this season, which would leave him way out of A division if he received a 0 for his missed night.  Fortunately, this was actually just a mistake, which Joseph quickly fixed when alerted to it.  Sorry, Chris, you don’t have your excuse to quit coming… yet!

We had two new league members join this time, married couple Tim and Sarah.  I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to Tim, but I did chat a bit with Sarah and learned that she used to live in the Seattle area, where there is a thriving pinball scene.  Although she has a longstanding interest in pinball, this is the first time she and Tim have played in an actual league.  I hope the long night we had (somehow logjams kept happening) doesn’t deter Tim and Sarah from coming back!

This was our first night playing Road Show, which moved to the Avenue recently.  Danny and I were in the same group and we had a ridiculously close pair of scores, with mine beating his by about 300K out of 355 million.  Joseph points out that there were a high number of these kinds of close calls – check out the standings document and see for yourself!

Mike, Danny, and Derik.

Finalists Mike and Derik demonstrate the best way to hang around Smackdown winner Danny. Not pictured: the other A finalist, Chad.

By a vote of the league (on Facebook), we made Iron Maiden the Smackdown game again so that people could have another opportunity to qualify for Stern’s “Up the Irons” contest.  Only games played during an IFPA-endorsed tournament or league are permitted to count for the contest.  No one set a new high score, though I heard Danny had one over 1 billion before Joseph arrived to start taking scores, unfortunately.  Danny won the Smackdown (shocker!).  The Undercard was fought out on AC/DC again.  This time it turned into a family feud as Chad played in the Smackdown and Tyler played on the Undercard.  Tyler showed his dad how it’s done, taking the Undercard medal home.

Since I’m posting this you all know that means it’s time for another league meeting.  I’ll see you tomorrow at the Avenue at 7:30.

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League Night Recap for 9/11/18

Our fifth meeting of Season 11 was supposed to be the one that would bring us up to date on all the games we had not yet played so far this season.  Instead, by the time it rolled around, we had received a new game at The Avenue: Road Show, or as I call it, “twice the heads, half the fun.”  But hey, half the fun of FunHouse is still pretty darned fun.  It was too late to make it part of league night #5, so it will be on the list for our next meeting.

The big excitement of the night is that our T-shirts, courtesy of Pinball Pete’s, were delivered!  Everyone should thank Derik for co-ordinating the T-shirt design and printing.  If you missed picking up your shirt, I will have them at league tomorrow.

The other big excitement of the night was that we were finally playing Iron Maiden during league.  Stern is currently running a high score tournament called Up the Irons.  In order to qualify for it, a player must set a high score on Iron Maiden at a Stern Army location while playing a game for an IFPA tournament or league.  Only games played for the event can be submitted.  That means that this was the first chance for LPL players to take a whack at it.  I posted the current-as-far-as-I-knew cutoff score for 10th place (the bottom of the leader board) and three players all exceeded it during the course of the night.  Unfortunately, Joseph’s and Derik’s scores turned out to fall short of 10th place by the time I submitted them to the IFPA the next day (Joseph’s by a mere 2 million).  Danny’s 779 million score, however, put him in third place and put LPL on the map.  As of this writing he is still in third, with the title “Cyborg Eddie.”

Danny pointing at his high score of 779 million.

Sure, Iron Maiden is great and all, but it’s no “Dr. Dude.”

Our Smackdown game was Getaway. Thanks to the very long night of people having epic games of Iron Maiden, the Smackdown finals were quite late.  My group finished but another was still playing, so I went upstairs to drop a single score on it like I usually try to do for completeness’ sake.  I had a pretty lousy game of 20 million or so, noted it, and started to wander off, when Jason walked up,  handed me an extra dollar for his entry fee, and started a game.  He said, “Want to play two players?”  I’m not sure quite why, but despite not planning to play again, on an impulse I said “Well… sure.”  The next time I did something like 130 million, not exactly a normal result for me on Getaway, so I ended up in the finals.  I think I bumped out Mike S. last minute with that.  Sorry, Mike.  In the finals, Tim ran away with it (appropriate, right?) by, among other things, having a multiball with a big old super jackpot.  I ended up trying my darnedest on Ball 3 to come from behind and while I did a lot of work and got to a pretty decent score, I kept missing the multiball start shot that would have been my only hope.

We hadn’t done “beat-em-up” pictures for the Smackdown finals in a while and someone (I forget who) really wanted to, so here you go!  So many people had left that the two finals divisions consisted of everyone still present, leaving the Undercard with only three players.  I wonder if some people don’t realize we have a second division.

Derik, Danny, and I beat up the Smackdown champ, Tim.

Derik, Danny, and I beat up the Smackdown champ, Tim. (That’s me about to hit him with a chair.)

Mike and Bryan beat up the Undercard winner, Joseph.

Mike and Bryan beat up the Undercard winner, Joseph.

Our next league night is tomorrow. It will be the sixth of the season, meaning we are getting close to the final stretch. Don’t forget that players have to be present for at least four league nights to qualify to play in the season finals. New players can still join, but they won’t be able to play in the main tournament on finals night (though they will be able to play in the side tournament). See you all tomorrow at 7:30 at The Avenue!

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Announcing the 3rd Annual ‘Fear and Trembling’

The third annual Fear and Trembling tournament will be held at the Avenue Café on Wednesday, October 24, 2018.  For the second year this will take the form of an objective-based pingolf tournament.  Fear and Trembling is the tournament where, as Kierkegaard said, “anxiety is the dizziness of freedom” and we make our choices in fear and trembling.

In an objective-based pingolf tournament, you are given some objective (for instance, “light extra ball through the Gangway awards”) and are scored according to how quickly you complete the objective.  If you complete it in 1 ball, you are scored one stroke.  The games will be set to 3 balls and anyone who does not make an objective in 3 balls will be scored 4.

The unique twist of Fear and Trembling is that you have a choice of two objectives on each game, an “A” and “B” objective.  Both are intended to be approximately equally hard, but your opinion on that may differ.  You must choose, before you begin play, which objective you are shooting for.  If you choose the A objective and accidentally finish the B objective?  Too bad!  It doesn’t count and you have to keep shooting for the one you chose.

Players may start anytime after 5 pm, but the cutoff for beginning the course will be 7 pm.  The cost will be $10.  $9 will go to the Capital Area Humane Society and $1 to the IFPA for our endorsement fee.  This will be a WPPR-eligible tournament and best of all, there will be custom-made spooky trophies.

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League Night Recap for 8/21/18

Joseph playing Star Wars in the Smackdown tournament.

Joseph playing Star Wars in the Smackdown tournament while the other finalists watch.

Our league night of 8/21 brought us through the halfway mark of Season 11.  It also was a bittersweet night for me, as it marked the end of my freewheeling, early-to-league days.  By the time we met again, I would have started my semester and would be back to racing in at the last minute fresh off an hour drive from Mt. Pleasant and still dressed for work.  (In fact, that will be me on Tuesday.)

It was a night with unusually low attendance for this season.  Two of our power players, Chris and Danny, were both absent.  That allowed me to finish second for the night, possibly my best ever.  I got a first place on two games, certainly the most I’ve ever done, and the most anyone did that night.  Unfortunately some of my others weren’t as hot, so Derik ended up beating me by four points to be the top finisher for the night.

Lupe playing AC/DC in the Undercard tournament.

Lupe playing AC/DC in the Undercard tournament.

Since we only had 12 people, the night went quickly.  Even Medieval Madness could not slow us down.  It treated everyone pretty bad and the highest score of the night was Karen’s 48 million – respectable, certainly, but not the blowout we used to get with our old MM before it got replaced with the much harsher remake edition.

I collected the last few stragglers’ T-shirt orders and got them all turned in to Derik, who is coordinating things with Michigan Shirt Works.  Last I talked to Derik, he was not sure when MSW would be finishing the shirts.

The Tuesday Night Smackdown game this time was Star Wars and the Undercard (B division) played AC/DC (chosen randomly from among the games in the area near Star Wars).  Terry won the Smackdown and seemed quite pleased about it (he had me take a picture of him and his medal with his phone); Dan was the Undercard winner.

Dan chewing on his medal.

Dan checks to see what his medal is made out of. Yep, it’s real plastic!

Tuesday is the first night of the second half of the league season.  This is the last chance to join the league and still qualify to play in finals, since finals are limited to those who have played at least four nights.  Since Iron Maiden is scheduled to be a league game, we will also be officially recording scores for the Stern “Up the Irons” tournament on Tuesday.  This is a worldwide leader board for Iron Maiden that is running through the end of the calendar year.  The top ten scores at any given time appear (with your photo) on the leader board, and at the end of the year the overall top scores win prizes.  You may only submit scores from the game you actually played in league, not from practice or just-for-fun games.  Right now, you must beat a score of 265,754,990 to get in 10th place on the board.

The Smackdown finalists: Terry, Mike, Tim, and Joseph.

The Smackdown finalists: Terry, Mike, Tim, and Joseph.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all again (after this extra-long three week break) at 7:30 on Tuesday at the Avenue.

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League Night Recap for 8/7/18

Kristen watches Chris play Iron Maiden.

Kristen watches Chris play Iron Maiden. Yes, I use this photo angle a lot. I don’t have that many options!

Our third night of the season, on August 7, began ominously.  Our new scheme for rotating through the games had ended up putting us in an unfortunate cluster: Attack from Mars, Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings, The Simpsons Pinball Party, and Theatre of Magic.  While Ghostbusters and Simpsons aren’t known for being very long-playing at the Avenue, the other three are.  Before league started, Theatre of Magic reset on Joseph as he was testing it, and so I made the decision to pull it.  Everyone was relieved until they heard what the alternate was: Monster Bash, only a slight improvement in the matter of play time.  Worse, several top players got put into the same group by the Sorting Hat.  (It was, of course, the group in front of mine, so we got to wait for them all night long.)

Mike watches as Chris plays The Simpsons Pinball Party.

Mike wonders when the hell it’s going to be his turn as Chris plays The Simpsons Pinball Party.

The night ran as long as expected, especially thanks to Lord of the Rings.  Several players, including Joseph (I know he wants me to be sure to put that in) started Destroy the Ring, though I don’t know how many succeeded.  Even Simpsons, which can be very fickle for players, gave up epic games for some.  I don’t know how some people put huge games on Monster Bash, though, because the scoop kept spitting down the middle; I lost two balls that way.  The last group did not finish until after 10:30, our longest night yet.  At least one player (Ed) gave up and went home without finishing.  And then I still had to run the Smackdown tournament!

Speaking of the Smackdown tournament, it was on Game of Thrones this time.  I played in the B (“Undercard”) division, as did Mike S.  For the B division, I always roll a die to choose a game from among those in the same “area” as the main tournament game so I can easily supervise both.  When it was time for me to draw a random game from among the ones in the alcove, the die came up with Monster Bash.  Mike S. strenuously objected, pointing out that we just had to play it, that the scoop was going SDTM, and other complaints.  I held fast; I didn’t like it either, but I was following my own rules.  Mike then tried to take a vote of the rest of the Undercard players, but I told him, “This isn’t a democracy!”  We played Monster Bash and to my surprise, I won on a big third ball rally.  My league game had been awful, so I yelled, “Why can’t this be my league game?”  This was my first time getting a Smackdown medal of any kind.  Meanwhile, Derik won the championship on Game of Thrones, a game I know he loves.

The Smackdown and Undercard winners, Derik and I, respectively.

The Smackdown and Undercard winners, Derik and I, respectively. But not respectfully.

This was Kristen’s last night with the league, so we sang “Goodbye to you” to her at the start of the night.  She is off to start an exciting new life in Boston, where there will be more than enough pinball, though not the certain Lansing je ne sais quois.

Tonight is our fourth night of the season.  There are rumors we may be rejoined by former player Jason Magnuson, one of the old-time Lansing greats.  I will also be taking final T-shirt orders, so don’t forget to let me know your color and size choice at league night, send me a Facebook message, or email me (heather@lansingpinleague.com).  Also, keep in mind that Stern has a drawing once a month for a translite, and all you need to do to win it is take a photo of yourself at league night holding your Stern Army dogtag in front of the Stern Army banner or a Stern game, and then email it to Zach.Sharpe@sternpinball.com.  You can do it every month.  Here’s the one I took of myself at the August 7 meeting.

Heather with her dog tags in front of Elvis.

Yes, I was messing with them a bit by posing with Elvis.

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Season 11 Standings

The spreadsheet linked below will always have the most up to date results for the season.  Joseph usually has the scores in by about 2 AM on a league night.  You can use the tabs to look at different league nights and sort the standings.

Season 11 Standings


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League Night Recap for 6/26/18

Danny concentrating on Iron Maiden.

Danny concentrating on Iron Maiden. Guest photo by Edward Hopper.

Way back at the end of June (July was a busy month, OK?) we had the second league night of Season 11.  The new Stern Army banner had been moved to its permanent location, so as we came in, we were greeted by Uncle Gary guarding the alcove.

We had our first game switch-out of the season, as Tales of the Arabian Nights went down after the first group played, so we had to switch to World Cup Soccer.  Joseph had put up 21 million on TotAN so he cried out in agony when I told his group they would need to replay their game on WCS.  He ended up having a perfectly respectable 438 million on WCS, but I don’t think that did much to console him.

The final Smackdown scores, with a narrow margin between players 3 and 4.

The final Smackdown scores. Player 4 won with a very lucky extra ball plunge.

I used the random number generator to choose a Smackdown game as usual, and it chose Star Trek for the second night in a row.  I had previously been doing completely random drawings, so I decided I had to go with what the gods of randomness decreed.  Since several people expressed a preference for this not to happen again, I changed the rules so that from now on, we will randomly draw only from games that have not yet been played this season.  As it happens, that would have deprived us of one of the craziest tournament finishes I have ever seen.  Player 4, Derik, finished the game about 6 million points behind Player 3, Danny.  Derik had an extra ball to plunge off, which he did.  That extra ball proceeded to bounce into the lock and start multiball.  Balls kept hitting the kickback and going back into play, so that his hands-free multiball lasted a good while.  Combine that with a good bonus multiplier and he managed to make up the difference and a bit more.  When the scores came up showing Derik’s narrow victory, everyone watching cried out (so loudly that Mike S., who had retired downstairs to grumble after a bad last ball, heard the commotion).

Danny, Derik, and Lupe.

The Smackdown finalists, minus Mike S. who was too busy having an epic game downstairs: Danny, Derik, and Lupe.

The Undercard competitors, in front of the game they played off on, World Cup Soccer.

The Undercard competitors, in front of the game they played off on, World Cup Soccer: Joseph, Karen, Terry, and me.

Mike and Karen, playing in the Smackdown and Undercard tournaments, respectively.

Mike and Karen, playing in the Smackdown and Undercard tournaments, respectively.

This was to be our last league meeting for over a month.  The league took July off due to Pinburgh scheduling complications, although we had two tournaments instead, keeping things as busy as always.  Reports on those tournaments (the Rocket Robin charity tournament, and the Battle of the Bands/Iron Maiden Launch Party) will be forthcoming when I get another free moment.  In just a few hours we will be having our third league night (yes, it’s tonight, not next week) so come on over after you vote and put a score on the Smackdown game, Game of Thrones.  Don’t forget to say goodbye to league member Kristen, who will be having her farewell night with the league.  She is moving out of state in just a couple of weeks.  Thanks for being a part of the LPL, Kristen!

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Follow the Battle of the Bands here!

We are using a relatively low tech Google spreadsheet (authored by Joseph) to run the Battle of the Bands tournament.  To see the scores, go here:

Battle of the Bands score sheet

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Rocket Robin charity tournament – tomorrow!

Don’t forget that although we are taking July off of league play, we have two July events to tide you over: the Rocket Robin charity tournament (supporting the Capital Area Humane Society) tomorrow, Tuesday 7/10, at 6:30 pm; and the Battle of the Bands/Iron Maiden Launch Party, Tuesday 7/14, at 4 pm (qualifying open until 8 pm).

NASCAR, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Ghostbusters translites.

What says American summer more than NASCAR, roller coasters, and, uh, ghosts?

The format of Rocket Robin necessitates that I can’t allow any late starters, so make sure you are there by 6:20 to get registered before the 6:30 start time!  Everyone will be entered in a random drawing for the pictured translites.  The top four contestants will receive custom thematic trophies.

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League Night Recap for 6/12/18

Season 11, league night 1 of 8

Games played: AC/DC, Game of Thrones, Iron Man, Metallica, South Park

Results for the night and the season so far

Heather hugging the Stern Army banner.

Mike sent me a message saying “Give Uncle Gary a hug for me and tell him I don’t like Game of Thrones.” So here I am giving him a hug…

Heather explaining Matt's feelings to Gary Stern.

…and here I am telling him that Mike doesn’t like Game of Thrones.

June 12 was our first league night of Season 11, and it brought with it an exciting development.  The Avenue is now Stern Army location #104!  Derik and Pinball Pete’s helped me get us enrolled, so now our league and tournaments are eligible for prizes (e.g. translites) from Stern and we can host official launch parties for new games.  Members of the league will also receive Stern Army Recruit dogtags.  Those who attended our season opener already have theirs, and I will be passing out more at our league night tonight.  We also got the Stern Army banner featuring “Uncle Gary” (as I call him… but not to his face so far).  Even though we are past the official window for Iron Maiden launch parties, Zach Sharpe of Stern graciously sent me an extra trophy plaque he had on hand so that we can have our first Stern Army launch party.  That will be coming up on July 12; more on that later.

There was another unexpected development at The Avenue: Fish Tales and Jack-Bot were out (boo!  I loved gambling with my points!) and Elvis and World Cup Soccer were in.  Elvis is totally new to The Avenue, but World Cup Soccer had a previous term of residence before being removed for quite a while.  Meanwhile, Joseph had chosen the league games for the night based on a new rotation scheme of skipping five between each entry in alphabetical order.  A similar idea was suggested by former league member Todd as a way of ensuring we didn’t end up with games being played in the same blocks this season.  When we arrived and found the alphabetical order now disrupted, we had to stick with the already announced games, but it set our new plan already in partial disarray.  As someone or other said, “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ league runners gang aft a-gley.”  I think it was Gary Stern.

Chris playing Star Trek in the Smackdown.

Chris playing Star Trek in the Smackdown.

We had 12 in attendance at our first night, not too bad of a turnout but a little low due to the conspicuous absence of several regulars including Lupe, Caleb, and Mike S.  (Yes, Mike S.  I can’t remember the last time he missed Lansing league.)  We did have a brand new member, Bryce.  Last season Joseph had attempted to work out a scheme for allocating groups that would avoid putting any of the top players together while also balancing the group in other ways, but in the end it did not appear to speed up league play in the way it was intended to, and it also meant people missed out on the fun of meeting new people in random groups.  So I brought back the original group sorting method, famously employed by Matt in the early seasons of the league: I brought back “the hat.”  Well, not literally the same hat as I assume Matt took that one with him to Kalamazoo.  I actually used my hat with deer ears and antlers that I usually wear to the Silver Balls tournament.  It’s a very “me” version of a venerable league tradition and drawing our groups from a hat seemed to be a quicker and more flexible way of allocating groups last time so I think we will be sticking with it for now.

Tim playing Demolition Man in the Undercard match.

Tim playing Demolition Man in the Undercard match.

The Tuesday Night Smackdown side tournament has also returned for Season 11, with a couple of changes.  Since we probably won’t have as many people eligible to play as rookies this season, we are now just going to have an A and B division for qualifiers 1-4 and 5-8, called the “Smackdown Championship” and the “Undercard” respectively.  The other change is that to help cover a possible shortfall from dues in funding the league’s expenses,  we are now allowing everyone one free entry in the Smackdown tournament, with additional entries being $1 each.

Our next meeting is in just a few hours (yes, even in the summer I’m late with the recaps), and it’s still a great time to join since your lowest night of the season is dropped, so missing the first night won’t hurt you.  We are going to be taking July off of league due to the league runners needing to get ready for Pinburgh, but we will be filling in the gap by having two July tournaments: Rocket Robin, the annual round robin charity tournament for the Capital Area Humane Society, on July 10; and the Iron Maiden launch party on July 17.  The latter is also a celebration of our induction into the Stern Army, so it is going to have a Stern “Battle of the Bands” format.  Competitors will qualify on AC/DC, Elvis, Iron Maiden, and Metallica, with the top 8 going to playoffs.

Smackdown finalists Derik, Chris (the Champion), Danny, and Terry, with our new Stern Army banner.

Smackdown finalists Derik, Chris (the Champion), Danny, and Terry, with our new Stern Army banner.

The Undercard finalists, Tim, Kristen (the winner), Joseph, and Tim.

The Undercard finalists, Tim, Kristen (the winner), Joseph, and Tim.

See you all very soon!

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