League Night Recap for 2/7/16

League night #3 of 8

Games played: Metallica, Attack from Mars, The Simpsons Pinball Party, Addams Family, World Cup Soccer.

As usual for this season and my unfortunate new schedule, I rushed to league as soon as I could after work but still arrived after most people had started.  Sam was waiting for me, though, since Matt had assigned him to be my partner.  Actually, it’s a little more complicated than that.  Matt gave the Grand Rapids Three (Jake, Sam, and Adam) a choice of playing together or splitting one person off to wait for me.  Jake decided to make that choice on Sam’s behalf while Sam was at the bar getting a drink.  I’m glad I had someone to play with, in any case.

Chris playing Addams Family.

Chris solves the Addams Family strobe light problem.

We were originally supposed to play Demolition Man instead of World Cup Soccer, but by the time I showed up, Demo Man had broken and WCS had been switched in.  I’m pretty sure a lot of people wished The Addams Family had broken instead.  The new LEDs are blinding.  When the lights start strobing (during multiball, for instance) it is so dazzling that it can be almost impossible to follow the ball.  If the game were in a well lit area, it would be tolerable, though probably still annoying.  In the gloom upstairs, though, it’s madness.  Some people (following Adam’s lead) have been setting dollar bills over the two strobe lights.  Then there’s what Chris did when he and Kristen (who is rejoining the league after a long hiatus) dropped by the following week to do makeup games…

Chris's shoes.

Chris’s shoes.

On the other hand, I had an unusually good league game of Addams, the best of any of the scores I saw, so maybe I should hope the light stays!

After league I went to Theio’s with Sam, Adam, Jake, Mike, and Joseph, and while we were there I realized that once again I had failed to take any photos of league night.  Sam decided to help by posing.  Posing as what, I’m not too sure, but here you go.  There are a few more in the photo gallery.

Sam shows his muscles at Theio’s. He thought it would make a good league update photo for some reason.

My update from last league night serves, as usual, of a warning that the next league night is coming.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our next league night, so I hope I will see you… well, not at 7, because I won’t be able to get there on time.  You should come at 7. I will come as soon as I can, depending on how fast I can escape from work.

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League Night Recap for 1/25/17

League night #2 of 8

Games played: Medieval Madness, Junk Yard, Jack-Bot, Austin Powers, The Walking Dead.


Remember last time when I apologized for the lack of photos and promised I would do better in the future?  Yeah, about that…

I went to fetch the photos for the week and discovered there were no photos for the week.  I forgot to take any, probably because I drove to The Avenue directly from work, immediately joined a group in progress, and never really had any down time.  Unfortunately, skimpy league updates are going to be the norm until such time as I can convince my workplace that it needs to accommodate my pinball schedule better.  Since my schedule is locked in at least through December, I can tell you that it won’t be anytime soon (although I’ll have a reprieve in the summer months).

League night felt extremely short for me, although I arrived around 7:30 by leaving work as early as I thought I could get away with and then going straight to league instead of stopping at home to change.  Nevertheless, league play had already started (why is it the late starts only happen when I’m on time?) and I jumped into a group with Chris, Joseph, and Mike B.  They had only gotten through one game, though unfortunately for me it was Austin Powers, meaning that I was alone with my misery when I caught up on it afterward.

I had not yet started Austin Powers when Adam yelled from downstairs to ask if I was ready for Theio’s.  It was hard for me to believe league night was already almost over.  I finished up my last game solo and went straight off to Theio’s with Mike, Jake, Sam, and Adam, meaning that I literally didn’t play a single game at the Avenue that wasn’t a league game.  This brings me to the one story I have a picture for.

The talk turned to contact lenses and I explained that I only started wearing them so I wouldn’t have to worry about losing my glasses on roller coasters.  Jake asserted that he doesn’t have to worry anyway because his glasses fit snugly.  Suddenly everyone noticed how stunningly tight Jake’s glasses were, and someone speculated that Jake must surely have a dent worn into his head.  Jake was egged on into taking his glasses off, and the sight of his glasses-grooves sent the table into an uproar.  Jake had to see for himself, so he took this photo:

Jake's glasses dent

Jake’s glasses crease. Photo graciously provided by Jake.

Upon viewing it, he cried out, “What the hell is wrong with my head?”

Joseph, Mike, and I considered going back to the Avenue after Theio’s, but ultimately Mike decided he needed to get home, and I was too darned tired from my day in the salt mines.  So that ended what felt like the briefest league night yet – though sadly I think that’s going to be a theme for me the rest of this year.

Our next league night is tomorrow at 7, games TBA.  I haven’t made it out there lately, but I hear that the games have been moved around once again and some of them are now in the corner by the pool tables.  I’m sure it will be very educational, as we will get to learn the answer to the question, who’s touchier about their personal space, pool players or pinball players?

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Results for League Night #2, Season 8, 1/24/17

PlayerPoints this weekSeason-to-date
Mike S.58101
Mike B.3030

Results and standings may change due to makeup games.

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League Night Recap for 1/10/17

League Night #1, Season 8

Games played: Iron Man, Terminator 3, Theatre of Magic, Metallica, Lord of the Rings

Dan and Russell.  Theatre of Magic was just savage to a lot of people tonight.  My 63M game on it beat Joseph’s 63M game by 15K points.

The league started its eighth season on January 10 and, unfortunately, this season marks a change back to my old work schedule, which means I will not be able to come until 7:30 or 8 p.m.  I had to do this for the first one or two seasons, but then I was able to get my work schedule changed so I could make it back to Lansing for league on Tuesdays.  This January it changed back, and it looks like my late arrivals will be a recurring disappointment for at least a year.  Due to my late arrival and the fact that by the time I finished many people had dispersed, I was not able to get nearly as many photos as I usually do.  I will try to work around that in the future.

We had a rather small group on this night, just ten people, and with the games increasingly distributed across several locations in the bar, I went quite a while without seeing anyone besides fellow latecomer (and league partner for the night) Russell.  I know Sam was ill and I expect he’ll be returning for tomorrow’s league night.  I hope some of the other past participants will also be playing this season (paging Aaron H.!).  And, of course, if you are reading this and have been on the fence or shy about coming to league… the season is still early.  We’d love to see you at our meeting tomorrow!

Despite the small turnout, some of us did have the usual run to Theio’s afterward.  Everyone is always welcome to come along with us on a Theio’s run.  Come for the hashbrowns: stay for the pinball gossip.

As in the last few seasons, after each meeting I will be mirroring the league standings here for those who are not connected with us on Facebook.  I have streamlined the table a little bit, but it can still be sorted by either points for the night or total points for the season.  I will also be continuing to send my photos to the photo gallery, but as I said, I didn’t have too many for this particular night.  (Sorry about that.)

Tomorrow, January 24, is our second league night, beginning as usual at 7 p.m.  Our league president, Matt, has announced the tentative game list as follows: Medieval Madness (yay!  Shoot the castle!), Junk Yard (shoot the dog!), Jack-Bot (shoot the visor!), The Walking Dead (shoot the walker!), and Austin Powers (shoot it in the head!).  Iron Man (shoot the … oh, you can figure it out) is the contingency game if one of the other games has to be taken out.

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Pinball Holidays

It’s been a long while since my last update (just about two months, in fact).  Does that mean everyone in the Lansing area took a break from pinball?  Ha ha ha ha ha… yeah, right.

Mike plunges while partner Dan stands ready at the left flipper.

Mike plunges while partner Dan stands ready at the left flipper.

Zen winners Dan and Mike, with photobomb by Matt.

Zen winners Dan and Mike, with photobomb by Matt.

First of all, we had the traditional end of season “just for fun” tournament for the Lansing Pinball League, Super-Ball VII, better known as the Zen Tourney.  Chris (partnered with non-league-member Steve, not to be confused with the Steve who does sometimes play with league) once again saw the elusive Zen trophy slip from his grasp as Mike and Dan coordinated their way to victory.  Mike also joins the elite ranks of those who have won two Zen trophies (ahem).  No one has yet won three…

Second, after a year of trying out quarterly Avenue charity tournaments, we had our first repeat: the second annual Silver Balls in the City on December 27.  Once again the tournament’s entry fees were all donated to the Capital Area Humane Society.  This year, based on the number of people who attended, we used a three-strikes rather than four-strikes format.  We also started a half hour earlier.  As a result, we did not end up running quite so long as last year.  Yes, I can learn from mistakes: where’s my gold star?

This year's Silver Balls trophies.

This year’s Silver Balls trophies. Most of the glitter even stayed on them.

Mike S. came up with the idea of having a just-for-fun side tournament for $1 per entry.  The side tournament was a “closest to the pin” contest on Medieval Madness.  The winner would be the person who got closest to 15 million without going over or tilting.  Bill L. ended up winning and I still need to get him his prize (a $10 Coldstone Creamery gift certificate donated by Mike).

In an odd coincidence, the main tournament finished on the same game as last year: Junk Yard.  Fortunately the overactive slam tilt has been repaired since then.  Spectators who held out until the very end were treated to the spectacle of Aaron G. starting the video mode on Junk Yard no fewer than 15 times in the final game against Adam, and in this manner, climbing his way to victory on top of a mountain of toast.  Third place went to Jared A.

Rodney and Karen try out the side tournament.

Rodney and Karen try out the side tournament.

Between the main and side tournaments, Silver Balls earned $217 for the Capital Area Humane Society.  As most league members know, my beloved pet rabbit Stephen died on December 22 at the age of 10 and half.  Joseph and I were still very shaken up and grieving when the tournament came around, but it gave us some consolation to know that the donations people made for the tournament would help other wonderful animals receive care.

Aaron and Adam with first and second place trophies, respectively.

The next Avenue tournament will be the second annual March Hare Madness amazing race tournament.  The date is to be announced, but it will probably be in the last few days of March.  Stay tuned here or to the Lansing Pinball League Facebook group for more information.

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Results for League Night #1, Season 8, 1/10/17

PlayerPoints this weekSeason-to-date
Mike S.2626

Results and standings may change due to makeup games.

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Chris Still Undefeated in Lansing

No drinks to pass this point... but trophies are OK! Joseph, Chris, and Matt (2nd, 1st, and 3rd).

No drinks to pass this point… but trophies are OK! Joseph, Chris, and Matt (2nd, 1st, and 3rd).

Lansing Pinball League held its final playoffs for Season 7 on November 8 and Chris once again walked away as the undefeated champion of the league.  Chris has won every season since the league’s inception, both in the previous “points only” format and in the current playoff format.  Second place went to Joseph and third went to Matt, giving him his first A-division hardware in the league.

Chris plunges his walk-off Ball 3 in the final game against Joseph.

Chris plunges his walk-off Ball 3 in the final game against Joseph.

The final battle was tense.  Chris won handily on his first game choice of Getaway, but on Tales of the Arabian Nights, Joseph rolled over Chris with 30 million or so points.  This made Joseph the only person to win a single game against Chris all evening.  Chris chose Austin Powers for the third game and won the night with a walk-off Ball 3, giving him the championship but also burdening him with the knowledge that he made someone play Austin Powers.

Meanwhile, thanks in part to a miscommunication that resulted in Sam not attending, B division consisted entirely of three people: Jake, Dan, and Mike B.  The three played off to determine the allocation of the three B-division trophies.  The first went to Jake, the third to Dan, and the second to Mike B., who does not appear in my photo because he left to go walk his dog and never returned.

Jake and Dan. Jake won B division and Dan came in second.

Jake and Dan. Jake won B division and Dan came in third.

My own night started with having to play Adam.  (Matt offered to just divide the present people between A and B so that the divisions were evenly populated, but I didn’t want to because I had earned a top 8 position and wanted to play in A, so he kept the original 8-person bracket.  I came to mildly regret that decision.)  I was ahead going into Ball 3 on Jack-Bot (my choice), but Adam (as player 1) proceeded to get multiball out of the slot machine and make plenty of hay out of that.  I repeatedly yelled “bulls—!” as Adam said “Tournament setting is a beautiful thing.”

Joseph plays his final game against Chris.

Joseph plays his final game against Chris.

On my ball, I had a lot of work to do and got multiball going again (on my own, thanks very much) but didn’t make quite enough out of it.  The game ended up at about 3.0 billion to 2.9 billion in Adam’s favor.  Adam declared the game “epic.”  Actually, I think he might have said “kind of epic,” but I’ll take it.  For the next game I picked Indiana Jones and had a similar situation of having a really great game by my standards beaten by an even greater game.  So I lost to Adam, but I felt good about losing.

Sadly my tour of the loser bracket was brief and consisted of having it handed to me by Jason on the same two games I chose in the winner’s bracket, and without any dignity this time.

I got a lot of nice photos of the night, so I hope you will check out the photo gallery which draws from the group’s Flickr pool (which at the moment is all my photography, but other Flickr users are welcome to add to it).  The final standings of Season 7 are also available.

Tonight is Super-Ball VII, the traditional post-season “Zen” (split flipper) tournament!  It’s always a ton of fun and nothing is at stake except some endearingly cheesy trophies, so you should definitely attend.

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Final Standings for Season 7

  1. Chris Tabaka
  2. Joseph Nebus
  3. Matt Pries
  4. Adam Peacock
  5. Jason Magnuson
  6. Mike Stewart Jr.
  7. Heather Kendrick
  8. Jimmy Raffaele
  9. Jake VanKempen
  10. Aaron “Mike” Brown
  11. Dan Nelson
  12. Sam Stearley
  13. Tim Johnson
  14. Russell Schwab
  15. Aaron Holmes
  16. James McNitt
  17. Steve Wieschowski
  18. Gabe Wrobel
  19. Danny Clark
  20. Joe Hefner
  21. Greg Spahlinger
  22. Kandus Linde
  23. John Cinche
  24. Derienne Perkins
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Silver Balls in the City 2016

Rudolph is special when lit!

Rudolph is special when lit!

Announcing the 2nd annual Silver Balls in the City charity pinball tournament, supporting the Capital Area Humane Society!  The tournament will be held at the Avenue Cafe in Lansing at 6:30 on Tuesday, December 27.  It will be a four, three, or two strikes tournament depending on turnout (probably three).  The entry fee will be $10, which will go toward CAHS, and players will also be responsible for coin drop.  Trophies will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and it will also be eligible for WPPR points from the IFPA!  This will probably be the penultimate tournament of the year in Michigan, so get your last points in before the state championship is locked in.

Stay tuned for more details!

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League Night Recap for 10/25/16

League Night #8 of 8

Games played: Iron Man, Terminator 3, Demolition Man, The Addams Family, Attack from Mars.

This was an exciting league night for two reasons: first, it was the last of the season before the final playoffs, and second, it was the second annual League Costume Night.  Nothing quite as crazy as last year’s Three Tabakas happened, and participation was a bit lower (perhaps just a consequence of lower attendance generally), but it was still a good time.  When I arrived at the Avenue one of the first people I saw was Aaron (who was evidently not in costume), so I asked, “Who are you supposed to be?”  He replied that he hasn’t been able to find his father to ask.

Joseph and Adam.

Joseph (the raccoon) and Adam (not the peacock) work on their league games.


Sam: always a bridegroom, never a bride.

Matt easily won the vote for the second year running for his portrayal of Eleven from “Stranger Things.”  I got second for my peacock costume.  It had been assumed that we would get another round of people going as other league members this year, but I was the only one to do so… since I went as Adam!  (If you don’t get it, you probably don’t know Adam’s last name.)  In third place was Jimmy, dressed as… no one is quite sure.  I guessed “Captain Obvious,” but the best answer might have been whoever wrote “the love child of Kenny Loggins and Henry Rollins” on their ballot.  In fourth place was Joseph, whose raccoon costume was cute but, despite a new mask, probably too similar to last year’s costume for the voters.  In fifth was Sam, wearing his Indian bridegroom costume for the second year running.  Sam also made himself popular by bringing a big bag of Halloween candy for everyone to share.

Several other people received lone votes despite not apparently having costumes.  I had to disqualify the entry for Hillary Clinton on the grounds that Ms. Clinton was not a league member, but I noted that if she joined the league she would be welcome to participate next year.

The winners: Jimmy (3rd), Matt (1st), and Heather (2nd).

The winners: Jimmy (3rd), Matt (1st), and Heather (2nd).


Captain Jimmy reminisces about the girl he left behind. I think her name was “Brandy.”

When I went to give out the first place trophy to Matt, Aaron barged in and tried to take it. I said, “This is for Matt!” and he said, “I am Matt.  That’s how amazing my costume is.”  I believe I speak for everyone in saying that we all missed Aaron and are glad he’s been coming to league again.

The playoffs, which will determine our final season results, will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) – yes, election night.  We’ll see our fate decided in more than one way.


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