This is the spreadsheet for the Season 21 standings:
There is a separate one that includes guest players:
This is the spreadsheet for the Season 21 standings:
There is a separate one that includes guest players:
Season 21 got off to a huge start on August 14 with one of the biggest groups we’ve had in a while and possibly the most people who have ever joined at once since I became director. A total of 22 people played including a guest player. Our new players were Dana, Amy, Jessica, Donald, Erin, Orneal, Emily, and Scott, and the guest player was Lillium. I know Donald and Jessica from the Grand Rapids pinball scene. Donald and I used to frequently end up in the same group at GRPL back in the Pyramid Scheme days, and Jessica and I have played each other in GR’s Belles and Chimes. Everyone else was totally new to me and honestly I am dreading having to tell everyone I have forgotten their names already when I see them tomorrow. (I am usually pretty good at learning up to two new members’ names per night, but past that and I can’t retain them.) Of course, that’s a great problem to have and if they do all come back, we’ll know it means we did not scare them off. I did start off by telling the regulars to try not to be weird, but for some reason this instruction was not taken seriously. In addition to the new players, we also had the return of longtime, off-and-on league member Jason.
This was the first time in League history that league night has been something other than Tuesday. Our August meetings are on Wednesday due to The Avenue closing Tuesdays over the summer, a new schedule this year. We will return to Tuesday meetings in September.
Our first two banks were Ophiuchus and Lepus, named for constellations. Ophiuchus is the Serpent-Bearer, and is actually probably the most tightly-themed bank in the season. Most of the games in Ophiuchus feature a snake or serpent; the only exception is Jurassic Park, because dinosaurs would have to be good enough. Lepus, the Hare, is very loosely themed as “things that go fast” except for The Beatles, which is in there because Lepus is my favorite constellation and The Beatles is maybe my favorite game at The Avenue.
Our Tuesday Night Smackdown – still so-called despite being on Wednesday – was Jaws. Probably unsurprisingly, it was won by Ethan, who is a big fan of the game. Joseph took first in the B division “Undercard” on Elvira’s House of Horrors.
Will we break new attendance records at our next meeting tomorrow? I look forward to finding out! See you all soon!
It’s time for Rocket Robin, the summer charity tournament to benefit the Capital Area Humane Society! The entry fee will be $10, with $9 going to the charity and $1 to the IFPA for sanctioning.
The format will be straight up head-to-head match play in a round robin style. Because we almost certainly won’t have the time to do a complete round robin, we will instead use “Strict Swiss” pairing to do as much of a round robin as possible. At the end of a designated time period the tournament will end and the person with the most wins (1 point per win) will be the champion.
As far as I know this is the only IFPA tournament in Michigan to use this format, so it’s unique if nothing else! There will be trophies, a translite giveaway, and the satisfaction of knowing you supported a worthwhile cause.
The tournament will start at 6 pm on July 10, and the last round will start at or before 10 pm.
The Lansing Pinball League and the Lansing Lightning Flippers will be celebrating the arrival of our new John Wick with two launch parties! There will be prizes, Stern swag giveaways, and a Grand Champion plaque at both tournaments!
The Lightning Flippers women’s launch party will be Saturday, July 20 at 4:30 pm. We’ll play a four-strikes knockout tournament with arena priority on John Wick, meaning one match each round will be on John Wick.
The main launch party will be Wednesday, June 26 at 6:00 pm. The format will be six rounds of group matchplay followed by an 8-person, two-round ladder finals. (If fewer than 16 compete, finals will instead be the top half of the field, rounding down.) Arena priority during qualifying will be on John Wick, and all finals games will be on John Wick.
Season XX ended with an unprecedented two-day league finals as Brian took two long matches to triumph over Tim. The hour grew so late that the bar began closing and the tournament director had to call time and reschedule the last match for another night.
Some had predicted that this might finally be Tim’s season, but it would be a tough battle for them, as they had already taken a loss going into finals against Brian. This meant that Season XIX champ Brian would only have to win one match to prevail, but Tim would have to win two. Tim had previously defeated Josh 2-1 to come out on top of the second-chance bracket, giving Josh third place.
The first match between Brian and Tim went to three games, eventually giving the victory to Tim and putting them into a second match. As the last game of the match ended it was around 1:50 am and the bar was shutting down, so tournament director Heather (yes, that is me) declared that the last match would have to take place at a time agreed to by both of the other parties.
That ended up being two days later on Thursday. The two competitors met in the comparative quiet bar around 7 pm to resume, and after a brief warmup period they resumed the battle. It went to three games again, meaning that they had to play the full six games in order to settle things. Brian came out on top this time, retaining his title as the league champion and giving Tim second place.
Meanwhile, back on Tuesday night, the B division also had some hot competition, but as there were only eight players it did not run nearly so late. Biff and Devon went to three games, leading to Devon moving on to finals and Biff taking home the third place trophy. Devon then played two matches against Donny which also went to the full six games, 2-1 for Devon in each match. During their last game, the tournament director checked in to see the status of the match and Devon declared that it was as good as over since he had probably just lost to Donny on Ghostbusters. Instead he rallied, winning Ghostbusters and a very hard-fought B division title.
The Tuesday Night Smackdown side tournament was also held, despite the usual low participation for finals night. The arena was Foo Fighters and the winner was Ethan, who wrote another IOU on behalf of Heather for a button. Heather, however, declared that this time it was not marked with the phrase “official signature” and was therefore invalid.
Tonight is Super-Ball XX, the split flipper tournament colloquially known as the Zen Tournament. The format will be the same as for league finals but the tournament director has expressed the hope that it will not need to take two sessions.
The league night of 4/16 was our last night of the qualifying season, and we finished banks 7 and 8. This night finally determined who would be in A, who would be in B, and who would play whom in the first round of the final tournament… sort of.
The problem is that Ghostbusters threw a clot near the end of the night, refusing to recognize balls in the left scoop and doing a ball search every time. I ruled catastrophic malfunction and required everyone to play a new game in place of Star Trek. Since I had a quite terrible night and Ghostbuster was one of only two decent games for me, I wasn’t best pleased. Also, unfortunately, Donny had already left before this change was made, meaning that he has to play his makeup before finals. In a strange twist, this will make no difference to Donny’s final position, but could affect two other people’s seed in the bracket.
What won’t change is that Tim is going to be the top seed for the tournament this season. Could this finally be the Season of Tim that some have been predicting for a while now? Tim did manage to qualify for A division at their first Pinball at the Zoo just a few nights later, which was an amazing dark horse showing in a field that included world famous players. Will Tim’s hot hand continue into Lansing finals? We will see soon. (Note: Hot Hand will not be one of the games in finals.) Assuming everyone shows up for A division, that means the top seed of B division will be Devon.
Our Tuesday Night Smackdown was on Elvira’s House of Horrors, and the B division was on Jaws. We had relatively few players this time, so only two people – Joseph and Cyndi – played in B. Despite this, they somehow managed to have a longer game than Bryan, Linda, Ethan, and Tim had on Elvira. When Ethan triumphed, I had to apologize to him for the first that I still do not have my button maker back in working order. He responded by writing an IOU on the score sheet. I said, “I don’t think you get to write an IOU. I think I have to do that.” He said, “No, because it says official signature right here.” I responded, “The funny thing about this official signature… it was never notarized.” I only got three words in before Joseph, still playing Jaws, started giggling. He recognized exactly where I was going because we are both fans of Peanuts and I was quoting (actually slightly misquoting) one of Joseph’s favorite bits from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
Season 20’s qualifying is a wrap so that means all we have left is the final battle, tonight at 7 pm! I hope to see you there!
We started our final bank rotation on 4/9 and mercifully, this time people voted for the wild card games to be stuff upstairs rather than in the alcove. The talk before league started centered on the previous day’s total solar eclipse. Joseph and I had gone to Cedar Point to watch it. Ethan wanted us to know that he was definitely not envious of this because while he had seen it in Muncie, it lasted 20 more seconds for him.
Danny wasn’t present during roll call and I felt sure he would probably show up in time, so I commented, “That’s all right, when he comes I’ll just put him in a group with Derik and Dan.” Danny did come midway through the first game and I flipped a coin to determine what bank he’d be in. Then I asked which of the three groups he wanted to be in. He said he really didn’t care, so, being the imp that I am, I sent him over to the closest group which indeed had Derik and Dan (and Curtis) in it. When I walked up, Derik was player 3 and in the middle of a multiball on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was hoping to still put in a fourth player and saw that Derik had both balls trapped so I said “Hey Derik” and just then he started flipping again and I said “Nevermind, I was going to ask you something while you were trapped. ” He tried to trap again and lost one of the balls in the process, which I apologized profusely for, but he was nonchalant about it. I fed quarters into the game while he trapped his remaining ball so we could hit the start button and put Danny in.
Our Smackdown game was finally on Jaws! Not too many people played, so we ended up with a two-person group (Mark and Cyndi) on Scared Stiff in the B division. Tim apparently brought a big enough boat to Jaws, and Mark won on Scared Stiff.
Our next meeting (in a couple of hours) is our last qualifying meeting of the season. This will determine who makes A division and what seeds everyone gets for finals. See you shortly!
Our last league night was three weeks ago now, a longer gap than usual due to the bar unexpectedly closing Monday and Tuesday last week. Between that, the mountain of grading I’m buried under (students are going to riot soon if I don’t get some old grades back), and the fact that I’m still shaken up from seeing the total eclipse yesterday, my memories of last league night are pretty fuzzy. It was our last night with banks 5 and 6, meaning that tonight we’ll embark on the final bank rotation between 7 and 8.
One notable event I do remember is that we were joined by former league player Jake VanKempen, playing as a guest player. Jake goes back to the early days of the league, or as we like to call them, the Theio’s days (IYKYK). Jake was a little miffed to learn that the new league rules mean that anyone playing after the midseason has to play as a guest player, meaning their scores do not count. He said that if he was going to come all the way out to play for no points I should at least put him in “a good group, like one with Dan.” He also mentioned a couple of other names but I honestly don’t remember who they were. As it happens, when I drew for him (he was running late) I did draw him into a group with Dan N., AKA half of Double Dan-ger. The other half ended up in another group for a change.
Now that banks 5 and 6 are both finished, we can take a look at the standings at the end of the night. Tim won Argo Navis (Bank 5) with solid to great games on everything. Derik took honors in Bank 5 (Cetus) with a mediocre game on Medieval Madness but great games on everything else, including a huge 942 million on Godzilla. That was not, however, the biggest score on Godzilla; that distinction goes to Curtis, who did around 1.3 billion.
We were still unable to use Jaws due to its placement in Bank 5 (Argo Navis), so our Smackdown game was the random selection of Indiana Jones. For the second time in a row, Joseph won the Smackdown and I got second. The B division was on Star Trek and in that arena Dan prevailed. Unfortuantely I had no buttons to give out because my button press is out of commission. It’s not pressing correctly and I can’t figure out why, but I hope to get that fixed eventually and give everyone the back buttons they are owed.
Tonight will start our final rotation, including the wild card games that the league voted to include in Bank 8. See you all very soon!
We passed the halfway mark of the season with our last meeting, at which we played banks 5 and 6, Argo Navis (the ship Argo) and Cetus (the sea monster). These were very appropriate banks for our first night with our shiny new Jaws LE game. Jaws was conveniently slotted into Argo Navis to replace the game that left to make room for it, Guns and Roses. This did mean we had to break our tradition of using the newest game for Tuesday Night Smackdown. Instead, Metallica got drawn for that honor.
It looked like we might have to replace Deadpool as it was suddenly not registering the scoop right before league was going to start. But Derik went and got his equipment and did some quick soldering, allowing us to start with the bank intact and just a few minutes late.
For some reason, it was a night with light attendance, and the number of people in attendance meant that some people were in two-player groups. I ended up playing with Ted and we both felt like we had solid nights. I had one embarrassingly bad game, but otherwise always felt like I was playing at least mediocre, and consistently mediocre is often enough to do pretty well. Everyone finished pretty early, and we started the Smackdown well before our average start time of 10 pm. So far, Derik is the champion of bank 5; appropriately, his Jaws score was huge. Tim has the lead in Bank 6 with big scores on just about everything in the bank.
In the Smackdown, Tim won B division, which is well known to be the Best division, and Joseph was the overall champion on Metallica.
The following Tuesday was the Stephen T. Kendrick Memorial March Hare Madness Charity Pinball Tournament, named in honor of a very special rabbit. We had 15 people attend, which is around average for this particular tournament. In recent years it has been a Critical Hit tournament, using the original Critical Hit Matchplay Edition deck. This continues to be a popular format – well, except among who keep getting bad card draws. A standout moment was when Ethan played the most powerful card in the deck, one that forces another player to trade games with you after Ball 2. Danny was then compelled to give up two high scoring balls on Tales of the Arabian Nights to play Ball 3 starting from about a million points. Ethan was so delighted by this that he came over to tell me before returning to his game. A while later he reappeared and, while laughing so hard he was wheezing, eventually managed to get out that Danny had come back and won anyway.
Things ran fairly late as always, and a few people ended up dropping out before the end, including Derik who would have made finals but decided to leave without playing. That bumped me up into finals. Unfortunately, Brian started the round by making everyone discard a random card, and that cost me the card I had been saving, one that forces someone to stop playing immediately. I was left with only a card I drew at the beginning, which makes everyone in the group play an entire game with the display covered. The game I deployed it on was Willy Wonka, so we had the ridiculous situation of having to cover just about the entire backbox of the game with newspaper. I don’t think it could have really helped me at that point, but as I said at the time, “I just want to watch the world burn.”
Joseph, to his surprise, ended up winning March Hare Madness, with Tim in second, and Brian in third. I ended up with fourth. And that’s another March Hare Madness in the books. We made $256 for the Rabbit and Small Animal Rescue, thanks in considerable part to a $100 donation from Pinball Pete’s, as well as all the players.
Our last league night was the fourth of the season, so we finished up our rotation of banks 3 and 4, Corvus (the crow) and Perseus (the guy named Perseus). My notes don’t include mention of any particular shenanigans this week, but that’s probably just because I wasn’t looking. I’m sure they happened; it’s Lansing League, after all.
The most notable thing about the night is probably that it marked the end of the first half of our season. Brian K. and Tim are tied for the lead, with Danny trailing them by 10 points. Tim also took the night’s lead in both banks 3 and 4. Assuming enough people qualify this season for a 12-person finals, which looks likely, the bubble for making A division is currently around Curtis in 12th and Biff in 13th, with Curtis 7 points ahead of Biff.
The Tuesday Night Smackdown game was on Black Knight: Sword of Raaaaaaage! according to the score sheet Joseph wrote out, and yes, I counted the A’s. I had made cool buttons with colored pencils depicting fierce horses surrounded by flames, and then the button maker misfired on both of them and I was out of time to remake them, so the champs just got flames instead. Sorry about that. That’s the problem with hand making them. Devon won in the main fight and Joseph triumphed in the undercard on Godzilla.
The other big recent event was our launch party for the new Jaws LE, which Danny won in against Mike Stewart in a finals that wrapped up closer to midnight than I would have liked. The very warm day had changed to thunderstorms by then, and when Joseph and I opened the back door to leave The Avenue, a dramatic flood of water came cascading in until one of the staff ran over and closed it again. It seems appropriate, even if it meant we had to go out the front door and walk around to the parking lot in the rain.
In addition to league night tonight, we have two other events coming up, the women’s Jaws launch party and the March Hare Madness charity tournament. See you soon!