League Night Recap for 11/8/22

Note: Last time I declared my recap the Worst League Update Ever because I somehow forgot to take a single photo. This time I also forgot to take a single photo. In order to avoid having to call this the New Worst Ever, I am presenting it with dramatic recreations. The part of everyone is played by Joseph, the part of The Avenue is played by my breakfast nook, and the part of every game is played by Tri-Zone.

November 8 wasn’t just the midterm elections, it was also the third meeting of season 17. I wore my “I Voted” sticker which I had hoarded since delivering my absentee ballot three weeks prior, but otherwise not much election talk went on. Not that I noticed, anyway, but I was trying to organize a rather large crowd to play the second week of a two-bank rotation. We had started on it the previous league night because we had a crowd of over 16 people, the new threshold for splitting people up across two banks. It’s just as well, because there was actually a large crowd again this time. This included new league member Linda. Linda previously played in a Lightning Flippers women’s tournament, and had shown up a bit late so I had to start her with a strike. This time she showed up right at six, which is when Lightning Flippers meetings start, and said, “Am I on time?” I had to break the news that league meetings start at seven and she had an hour to warm up.

Josh had a family situation going on, so he came to play his league games early and left before things got started.

In the past we would expedite starting the second half of a rotation by just putting people in the same groups as much as possible, but people had requested that we redraw the groups each time this season and so that’s what we did. This required using two hats. In addition to the deer hat that we always use as the sorting hat, Joseph grabbed a black furry hat that I’ve had since high school. I bought it from some Russian schoolkids who were traveling around doing hockey exhibitions and were selling stuff in order to get some US currency. I believe it is a cheap imitation of a proper “Russian” hat that was made in Russia for the tourist market. I had to walk around remembering which hat each person should draw from for the A or B banks and I kept getting mixed up. Pat said “B is for black,” and that really helped at first, but then at one point Linda joked “B is for brown” and then I could never keep it straight again after that.

We had a new game in The Avenue this time – well, sort of. For some reason we now have a second Godzilla, so our original Godzilla LE is still in the alcove, and the new Godzilla Premium is upstairs. The gameplay is the same between the two models, so the only reason to have both is is that there is one free while Danny is in the building. The rule is that we always use a new game as our Tuesday Night Smackdown side tournament game, so I decided that extended to the Godzilla Premium, or as Joseph has dubbed it, “Mezzagodzilla.” (Godzilla on the mezzanine, get it?) We also were playing Godzilla in one of the two banks, so it was a Godzilla kind of night. Joseph wrote “You’re welcome, Danny” on the rules sheet for the Smackdown tournament.

Folks thought that we should have the B division for the Smackdown also be on Godzilla, so I departed from my usual practice of picking another game in the immediate vicinity of the A division game and went along with that. Joseph and I both played in the B division so we designated Mike as a backup TD to keep track of the A division game. Mike became the main Smackdown champion on the upstairs game, and Bryan J. won the Undercard bout on the downstairs game.

Bryan J. waves to his adoring fans after winning the Undercard.
Mike looks proud as he is proclaimed Tuesday Night Smackdown champion. (Me to Joseph: “Is that your best Mike?” Joseph: “It’s the only smile I do.”)

Tonight is our fourth meeting of the season so there is still time to join the league and qualify for finals if you’ve been on the fence about it. We will play a single bank if there are 16 or fewer people attending and will start a two-bank rotation if we get more than 16. I hope to see you soon! And please, remind me to take pictures.

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Silver Balls in the City returns

It’s time for the annual Silver Balls in the City charity tournament, supporting the Capital Area Humane Society! The tournament will be on Dec. 27 (there will be no league meeting that day). This will be a group (progressive) strikes tournament. The number of strikes is tentatively set at 10. The cost is $10 plus coin drop. $9 from each entry goes to the Capital Area Humane Society and $1 to the IFPA. There will be holiday-themed trophies and random prize giveaways!

The start time is TBA but will probably be 6 pm.

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Worst League Update Ever (10/25/22)

I’ve probably said this before, but this is the worst league update ever. The reason is that I apparently did not take any photos. Or I did but they got lost somewhere, which is a possibility. I’ve been having issues transferring photos from my various cameras to my computer which has also put my previously neatly sorted files into disorder. It’s really hard to believe that I didn’t take a single photo during the last league night, but if I did, I just can’t find them.

This is especially too bad since we did have a new joiner on 10/25, Mark. Mark is an old-school pinballer and said he hasn’t played the modern games very much. He’ll be getting a lot of opportunity given how many shiny new games we have at The Avenue! We also had the return of two previous members who didn’t play last season, Jen and Joe. Strangely, league regular Jason has yet to be seen this season still.

I had previously announced that if we passed the 16-player threshold on a given night, we would return to rotating banks. I didn’t think it was likely to happen, and I was wrong, since it happened on this night. We had 17 people play, the most in a long while, and we accordingly started a two-bank rotation. Since it was night #2, this will mean that if the crowd doesn’t thin back out later, we are going to have to have one especially long night at the end of the season to even things up. We’ll worry about that when it comes to it. In the meantime, after tonight, if we have another night of 16 or fewer people we will return to playing a single bank. (Tonight we have to play the second half of the two banks we started last time.)

The Smackdown game was on Ghostbusters, which Allen won. He had to give up a good game of Godzilla to play in the finals, which is just as well because my dice roll chose Godzilla as the undercard game. The undercard champ was Joe. Sadly I still have no medals to give out as I have not had a chance to find a new source of them since Michaels discontinued them. I will continue giving out IOUs to the winners and make good on them eventually!

I’ll see you all at league soon. Don’t forget to come early as we will be playing a Smackdown side tournament on … the second Godzilla, “Godzilla 2,” which is now upstairs in The Avenue. (Godzilla 1 is in one of the league banks for tonight.) Smackdown qualifying games can be put in before league or after you finish your league games provided league is still going on. When league finishes we play the finals, a one-game match. Although it’s a tiny tournament, it’s registered with the IFPA, so it helps the league’s value if everyone plays in it. (That was the original reason we started having those tournaments, although I think they’ve ended up being pretty popular in their own right.)

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League Night Recap for 10/11/22

Last league night seems like ages ago, since after that I got caught up in a blur of getting ready for Fear and Trembling (the fall charity tournament). (Stay tuned for some pictures from Fear and Trembling later. I’m having some issues with my computer that’s affecting getting photos from my camera.) It was a very exciting one, though, since it kicked off Season 17 and saw the return of some people who have been absent a while.

Joseph plays The Walking Dead while Sam looks on. It looks like Sam is wincing; maybe Joseph just took a bad bounce?

I had announced before the start of league that this season we would return to playing a single bank per night unless more than 16 people attend on a given night. This is a compromise between those who prefer two banks because it gets league done faster and cuts down on waiting, and those who prefer the classic single bank which has various advantages like allowing people to see their true league standings at the end of the night instead of at the end of a month. I found that last season we ended up with so few people on some nights that having two banks seemed silly and we would have gotten done just as quickly with one. Unfortunately, after a big boom for the league a couple of seasons ago, it contracted quite a bit last season. I thought it unlikely that we would get more than 16 people, but I left open the possibility of expanding to two banks if we did.

I can’t remember why Jake had his shirt open, but I caught him buttoning it back up and he yelled at me. Naturally I had to include it in this report.

As it happened, we got 15 people, so it was a lot closer than I expected! But we started the season, at least, on a single bank, “Apollo.” Joining us after a season or two away was Todd, who played all but one of his games early due to his work schedule. He did save one game to play with a group. A surprise that I tried and failed to keep from Joseph was that our Grand Rapids guests Jake and Sam also returned after a long absence, bringing a lot of energy with them. Sam brought his usual Puckish humor, at one point drilling me about how I would make various rulings and whether yellow cards would carry over for the season or just the night. Unexpectedly absent were Jason and Brian K. I don’t know the story with Brian, but in Jason’s case I suspect it has to do with Monday having been Columbo’s Day. I remember in the past he told me that when there is a federal holiday on Monday, he has to work late the next day to make up for it.

Tim plays Game of Thrones while in the background, Sam sneaks in a last-minute Tuesday Night Smackdown entry.

Our Tuesday Night Smackdown game was on Attack from Mars. Unfortunately, our source for Smackdown medals has dried up – Michaels has discontinued the buttons we were using – so we are going to have to owe people until we figure out what we’ll be using instead. Even more unfortunately, I somehow managed to miss taking any photos of the winners. Dan was the Smackdown champion, his first win as far as we could remember. In the Best Division, Sam took honors, surprisingly eclipsing Tim, who usually dominates the Undercard but this time had to settle for second.

Donny plays KISS.

At one point, while we were talking about the Best division, someone – I don’t remember who, but it might have been Sam – suggested that the A division was the Ass Division. I responded by filling that in after “A” in the scorecard. Then someone (again, I forget who) said “Hey, it does look like it says Ass division!” apparently not realizing that it said that because I had just written it in. For some reason this made me laugh until I nearly wheezed. This is the high quality humor you’re missing if you haven’t been to league yet this season.

Speaking of the season, it’s not too late to join! You only need to make four nights of eight to play in finals, and your lowest night of eight gets dropped so if you start now you’ll still get a full seven nights of scoring in. Hope to see you shortly!

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Josh and Jason win Super-Ball XVI

Guest report by Joseph with photos by Heather

First, thanks to Heather for letting me fill in on the tradition of writing league reports.

Season XVI of the Lansing Pinball League ended with the traditional split-flipper Super-Ball Tournament.  And the tournament kept up the tradition of finding an odd number of players there.  Thus we kept up the tradition of finding someone to play on two split-flipper teams.  And this gave me my first taste of playing on two teams, one with Heather and one with Tim.  I’ve been fortunate enough to win the split-flipper tournaments with both players before, so felt good about my chances.  Being on two of the five teams seems like a great start.

Josh and Jason celebrating their win. Josh complained that we had smaller trophies this season, which I think was a misunderstanding between me and the trophy shop.

This was the first split-flipper tournament where we used the rule that a team could pick a game only once per night.  The rule had been used at Finals for this season, and people enjoyed the elements of strategy and game diversity it brought.  Somehow I still ended up playing Star Trek a lot, and discovered I’m better at Star Trek when I control only one flipper.  I don’t get it either.  

Making their debut as a team were newlyweds Bryan and Jenny.  Bryan’s a fixture, and his father an always welcome sometimes-participant.  But this was the first time to my recollection that Jenny’s come to a league event.  Here’s hoping that more of the Johnson clan can join us.  

Jason and Josh competing against me and Joseph, with Tim visiting a favorite game in the meantime.

What I somehow failed to anticipate was having to play against myself, and quite so much.  Heather and I played me and Tim in the first round, where I felt like I was letting Tim down by winning with Heather.  And then again in the second-chance bracket, when I thought I’d redeemed myself in Tim’s eyes by playing well against the team of Pat and Biff.  Also, somehow, both of these pairs turn out to be pretty good at split-flipper Lord of the Rings.  

The team that did end up dominating my-and-Heather’s night would be the dream team of Josh and Jason, whom we ended up playing three times.  They knocked me and Heather into the Second Chance bracket, but we came right back to give them their first loss.  And that was on their picks of Willy Wonka and The Mandalorian, games I didn’t know you could play split-flipper worth anything.  And then, just as we were feeling good about our chances, Josh and Jason knocked us dead on Munsters and Getaway, the two games we thought our best bets.  But this let me extend the tradition of trying my hardest to look like a good sport after losing in finals, so that’s nice.  

Josh and Jason getting things started on Metallica.

Afterwards, we respected yet another league tradition.  We saw Dan C playing Godzilla, as is his custom, and gave him the third-place A Division trophy he had left Finals without collecting.  He had not realized that he had won a trophy.  It is not always the case that we have something we missed giving to Dan before he left last session, but it happens more than you’d think.  

Season XVII is set to begin tonight the 11th, at 7 pm, using the same banks as last season.  Will Mike four-peat as League Champion?  Will we have so many players we need to split them across two banks?  Will we be able to return to everyone playing the same games?  Who will win the Smackdown game of Attack From Mars?  Or the Undercard game of Junkyard?  What’s going on with the Smackdown medals?  Have you seen The Avenue’s new frontage?  How are we going to know it’s The Avenue when there’s a big, clear, unmistakable sign out front saying it’s The Avenue?  The only way to know is to see Heather’s league report in two weeks.  Also to step outside The Avenue after the sun sets.  Not all of these questions are hard.  

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Mike Threepeats League Championship

Mike won his third straight league championship in the Season 16 finals on September 13, coming up out of the second-chance swamp to defeat Tim in two consecutive matches. Mike had to defeat Danny in a clash of the Titans that left Danny going home with third place (but not the third-place trophy, which he forgot to take with him). Pat won the B division championship, with Joseph taking second place and Donny third.

Tim and Mike with their second and first place plaques.

When people arrived, we set out the trophies from PrimeTime Awards for everyone to see, but I mentioned with mild disappointment that they had given us a different sized Zen trophy than our usual. I hadn’t noticed that when I picked up the trophies. These had no pedestal, just a figure on a base. Josh responded, “Yeah, that’s not going to look as good next to my other trophies.” Whether that proves to be a problem for him remains to be seen.

Josh playing Tim on The Mandalorian.

We had the fewest people qualify to play finals in the time that I’ve been running the league, resulting in our smallest A bracket. The seven-person bracket meant that the top seed, Mike, got a first-round bye. I thanked him for making me (the lowly 7 seed) play Danny in the first round, although Joseph pointed out that I wouldn’t want to play Mike in round one either.

Danny playing me on Indiana Jones.

This was the first time using a new rule that only allowed each player to choose the same game once in the entire tournament. I was advised to absolutely not pick Godzilla or Rush against Danny, which I certainly wasn’t going to do in any case. I was actually honored that Danny chose Rush against me. If he thought I was a guaranteed cake walk, he wouldn’t have used one of his best games on me. I did beat him on my own choice (Indiana Jones) but I lost the match 1-2. It feels good to even go three against one of the top players.

Allen in Total Hysteria while playing Ghostbusters against me.

In the loser bracket, I played Allen, once again losing 1-2, but I did get to watch Allen absolutely destroy Ghostbusters. I was player 2 and hadn’t even finished a mode when Allen was in the high 3 billions. Mike was waiting to play the winner of the match, and when I walked up to play my last ball of Ghostbusters I overheard them talking about Mike’s game choice. I yelled “Hey, I still have a ball!” with mock indignance.

Derik taking a break while Joseph coins up on Cactus Canyon in the background.

I periodically checked on Joseph and found him progressing through B division, though he ended up losing the final match to Pat, who went through the winners’ bracket without a defeat.

Joseph and Pat with the second and first place awards in B division, respectively.
Donny with the B division third place award.

In the second and final battle between Mike and Tim, Mike chose Godzilla and won, and then Tim chose Attack from Mars, which Mike also won. I always like seeing league finals go to the last possible game, but this time I was somewhat relieved that it ended. It was after midnight and Loren from the bar had already come over to ask if they could start turning the upstairs games off. I also had to get up early the next morning for work. I presented Tim and Mike with their glass award plaques, and then realized I hadn’t noticed Danny leaving. He had hung around playing a bit after his loss to Mike and I failed to ask him if he was going to stay for winners’ photos. At some point he must have slipped out without saying anything while I was wrapped up in watching the final matches.

Mike photobombing his own photo.

There was also a Tuesday Night Smackdown on The Munsters, a game I chose because I thought it was less likely to be something people would want to choose for their league game. Participation was very low, and in the end the only two people who were willing and able to compete in finals were Jason and me. Jason thought I should award myself the Undercard medal since there was no B division and he took a picture of me with it.

Jason has both his Smackdown medal and an extra hanging decoration that he took from the bar ceiling around his neck.

Season 16 is at an end, but we have one more event, the traditional post-season “Zen” split flipper tournament, Super-Ball XVI. That is starting in just a couple of hours now, and I am hoping for a good turnout.

Photo of me by Jason Magnuson.

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League Night Recap for 8/23/22

Before I get to the recap, I have to set the record straight. The Capital Combo is a reputable news organ, and as such, we correct all errors of fact. Jason pointed one out in last time’s recap, when I said that to my surprise we had never played a Tuesday Night Smackdown on Rush. I based that on the fact that my list of what games we had played so far in Season 16 (to avoid duplicating them) did not show we had played Rush, and I mistakenly thought that this was the first season during which Rush had been in the venue. Jason pointed out that we did have Rush as a Smackdown game, but it was during Season 15. It’s been around longer than I thought. I should have remembered, though, because that Smackdown was the one in which a catastrophic malfunction forced three of the four players to replay an entire game which had already gone on for ages. Jason certainly would have remembered, because he had blown the game up and was far in the lead when it happened, so it was very unlucky for him.

Jason playing a league game on Cactus Canyon.

August 23 was our eighth league night of Season 16, which means that it was our last qualifying night. The positions at the end of the night would determine who went to A division and B division and what the seeding would be for the finals on September 13. The most contested positions were for the top seed and for the bottom seed in A.

After a season which saw a record turnout and therefore the largest A division finals we have ever had, a surprising inversion happened. This was our least attended season in the time I have been the league director, and we ended up with only 15 people qualified to play finals. We thought it was going to be 14, but then Wolff reappeared after a couple of weeks absent, and since it was his fourth night, he was just in time to squeak in for finals. Unfortunately, it didn’t make a difference for how many people could go to A division, because the IFPA requirements mean that we have to cut at least half the field going into finals. We will therefore be having a 7-person A division, with the rest of the people who attend playing B. This makes the top seed especially attractive, because that person gets a first-round bye while the other six play off. The question was, who would this be: Mike, or Danny? They were very close going into the final night.

Brian plays Game of Thrones while Joseph and Allen watch.

The dividing line between A and B was also a very competitive position, with several people only a few points apart. I was sitting in 8th place, 4 points behind Joseph in 6th and 1 point behind Josh in 7th. Jason was relatively far behind me in 9th, as I had 13 points on him.

At the end of the night when we got home and Joseph put all the scores in (which he always does surprisingly quickly), I got to see how the dust settled, and there was good news and bad news for me. Good news? I ended up in 7th place. (Meanwhile, Jason had an incredible rally – after a couple of underperforming nights, he jumped up from 9th to 6th with a very strong finish.) Bad news? Mike won the top seed spot. Bad news for me because that meant I would be playing Danny in the first round.

Tim shows off the Best Division medal.

We had our usual Tuesday Night Smackdown, of course. The main game was Game of Thrones. Joseph often writes little quips above the rules sheet that he posts, and this one in small letters said “You’re welcome, Mike.” Mike certainly loves his Game of Thrones and this time it also loved him. Predictably, he won the A division. Tim continued the tradition of being the “Best” division champ on Metallica. Jason, as usual, wanted a true “Smackdown” photo and this time he had the idea of sparring with “swords.” He ran off and then reappeared holding two pool cues to use for a mock swordfight, followed about 7 seconds later by a semi-disgruntled person who said, “We were using those” and collected them back again. Jason went off again to find different cues and this time no one showed up demanding them back, at least not before I got the photo.

I don’t know much about pool, but I don’t remember them holding the cues like this in “The Hustler.”

And that was that: Season 16 was all over except the final battle. Will Mike defend his title again or will the league have a new champion? In about 24 hours we’ll know. I hope to see you tomorrow at finals.

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Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom

So said existentialist Søren Kierkegaard. It’s time for the annual Fear and Trembling Charity Pingolf Tournament, the only pingolf tournament that includes the terror of choice.

Our annual spooky-season pingolf tournament will take place this year on October 18. The course may be started anytime after 4 pm, and the last entries will be permitted at 7. The early start time is to ensure the tournament can finish at a semi-reasonable time. The fee for the first entry is $10, and subsequent cards can be bought for an additional $5 provided they are started by 7 pm. All proceeds minus IFPA fees go to the Capital Area Humane Society. In addition to trophies for the top four finishers, there will also be random prize drawings.

This will be a nine-hole, objective-based course. Competitors will choose one of two objectives on each game and have to stick with the one they chose. Players get a stroke for each ball it takes to reach the objective, up to four strokes for not completing the objective at all in three balls. The lowest four scores on the course will move on to a three-game final match (with non-pingolf 4/2/1/0 scoring).

Please come and, as Kierkegaard said, make your choices “in fear and trembling.”

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League Night Recap for 8/9/22

The league night of 8/9 was the 7th meeting of season 16, so it started our final bank rotation. We had a vote to fill in two empty spots in Bank 8 (known as “Zeus”) and the most popular choice ended up being Getaway. In second place there was a tie between Cactus Canyon and Stranger Things, and I did a random drawing to break the tie, landing on Cactus Canyon. Stranger Things was designated to be a backup game if needed.

Tim plays Star Wars while Wolff watches and Josh ponders how his life has taken him here, exactly.

Our average league night attendance has been dwindling this season, raising the question of whether we should continue using the rotation format or return to having everyone play the same game on the same night. There are some advantages to both formats, but if we continue averaging about 12 people per night, rotating really won’t be necessary. It’s a question we are going to want to consider before the start of Season 17.

Jason finesses The Simpsons while Allen watches.

We had both a surprising absence and a surprising reappearance this time. Allen let me know that Derik wouldn’t be attending the rest of the season, as he didn’t have a chance of making A division and didn’t want to play in B. I was surprised, and said that I thought he must be wrong about not having a chance to make A. Then I went and looked at the numbers and realized he was probably right. Derik has always been a power player in the league, so he must be having an off season. The reappearance was by Wolff, who I thought might have drifted away from league after we didn’t see him for a few meetings. It was great to have him back. It was also good to be finishing the season with Allen still around. He was originally going to be returning to his home in Texas at the end of July, but it turned out he would be in Lansing a while longer and would be able to complete the league season after all.

Allen playing a league game on The Simpsons.

I ended up in a group with Allen and Jason. I had just finished a rotation in a group with Jason, so we’ve been playing together a lot lately. There was a time when being in a group with power players like them would have made me feel a little embarrassed about my B-level abilities, but these days it often has the opposite effect and ups my game. This was one of those nights. Although I didn’t always match their scores, I played games that were at least above my usual average on every game.

Dan watches Bryan as Danny gets his late league games done in the background.

Whenever Danny isn’t around during league, someone or other always asks me, “No Danny tonight?” People are always very interested in where Danny is in the league standings, for some reason. Danny often plays his games late due to his work schedule and this was one of those times, though he squeaked in right at the 10 pm deadline that I have started enforcing this season. We got done with league so fast tonight that we were starting the Smackdown finals right as Danny walked up.

Bryan, shows off his Smackdown B division medal while desperately wishing I would turn my flash on.

The Tuesday Night Smackdown random drawing chose Rush, causing me to be surprised it had not been a Smackdown game already. Usually I will make something the Smackdown game if it’s new to the venue, but I never did that with Rush. It may have been forgotten in the frenzy of new games we have gotten in the bar recently. Unfortunately, we only had six people present to play, and only seven put scores in (which means we can’t count qualifying toward IFPA points; qualifying has to halve the field to count). We had the usual four playing in A but just two people, Bryan and Dan N., played off in B. The dice chose Star Trek for the B game, which is funny considering how many times recently Junk Yard has ended up being the B game. It’s like the RNG didn’t realize Junk Yard had moved, because Star Trek is now in the former Junk Yard spot.

Joseph photobombs Allen’s victory photo for the Smackdown.

Tonight we’ll be finishing the qualifying season, and there is still a lot of possibility for people to move across the A/B cutoff line, considering that we will probably only be having a 7-person A bracket this season, our smallest ever. It should be an exciting final night. See you all soon, I hope!

Mike is apparently not taking Allen’s Smackdown victory well.
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League Night Recap for 7/26/22

The league night of 7/26/22 was our 6th night of the season and, being an even numbered night, finished up a rotation of two banks. The banks were “Athena” and “Hades,” according to the naming scheme that only Joseph and I – mostly I – care about. Athena was originally slated to include Star Trek: The Next Generation, Avengers: Infinity Quest, Rush, Jurassic Park, and Black Knight: Sword of Rage, but ST:TNG had left the venue and was replaced by its successor, Cactus Canyon. Hades included AC/DC, Indiana Jones, Deadpool, Ghostbusters, and Stranger Things.

I didn’t take any photos of league night until after Tuesday Night Smackdown, which is probably a consequence of my working on Calculus homework during league (a common occurrence this season), so I’m sorry for the relative lack of photos in this update.

I continued in my previous night’s group with Jason and Danny. We ended up finished last of all the groups, by far. This is no credit to me; I had a very poor night, including an abysmal game of Black Knight in which I had the opportunity to start the last chance multiball and was screaming in frustration as I failed over and over to lock the last ball needed. No, it was mostly due to Danny, who blew up a few games. I mentioned this to Mike, who replied with the advice, “Always be Danny.”

Smackdown winners Mike (A Division) and Tim (B Division).

Tuesday Night Smackdown was on Metallica, with the B division playing finals (and rubbing elbows) on Stranger Things. Mike won the A division and Tim, as usual, won the B, or as he would have it, “Best” Division with another big Smackdown game. After the Smackdown, Joseph, Tim, and I played a game of Stranger Things together which I won, making me feel a little bit better after my embarrassingly bad league night. By then, almost everyone else had left except Mike, who was chatting with former league member (and founding member) Russell. Joseph and I had to leave in the morning for our short summer vacation trip so we packed up and headed home.

Jason is out for revenge after losing Tuesday Night Smackdown to Mike!

Starting tonight we will have our final bank rotation between “Ares” (The Simpsons, The Walking Dead, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Attack from Mars) and “Zeus” (Tales of the Arabian Nights, Scared Stiff, Guns N’ Roses, Cactus Canyon, and Getaway). See you soon!

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