League Night Recap for 6/14/22

We started another two-bank rotation on June 14, which was the third night of Season 16. The banks for this one are named Poseidon for the god of the sea (and, oddly, also horses) and Hermes for the messenger of the gods. Most of the game choices in Poseidon are pretty self-explanatory. Hermes’ bank is a bit more mercurial (get it?) but it helps to know that in addition to being fast, he carried the caduceus, a staff entwined with serpents. I kind of had to stretch for some of the banks because the most important thing was balancing the game locations.

Joseph and I arrived early in order to play a makeup game of Lord of the Rings, which had unfortunately been down during League Night #2. Tim was the other early bird and he played with us. I am not normally very strong on LotR, which is evidenced by the fact that it’s been at the Avenue as long as I’ve been playing pinball there and yet I’ve never completed Destroy the Ring mode. I’ve started it a bunch of times, but I always get nervous with Frodo yelling at me and end up draining. It was the first wizard mode I ever saw, actually. My first ever league night I arrived to see a bunch of people clustered around watching a guy (it was Chris T., but I didn’t know him yet) destroy the ring. So even though it’s objectively not that hard to start and not that hard to complete, it still has this legendary status in my mind. Anyway, during my league makeup game, I somehow not only started it but actually finished it, despite getting so nervous for the last couple shots that I got the shaky hands.

Donny destroys Batman ’66.

I ended up grouped with Joseph (for the first time in quite a long time) and Donny for this week’s league games. Donny had his own moment of glory when he totally blew up Batman ’66 on ball 1. He then also blew up the first of the two extra balls he earned on ball 1, then sadly had to plunge off the second one, per league rules. The rest of his game didn’t measure up to that first ball, but who cares, when your first ball is that good?

This is the state of things after Donny’s first ball of Batman ’66. And that’s not including the one extra ball he got to play after this, which brought his score to almost 2 and a half billion before he had to plunge off a second e-ball.

Tuesday Night Smackdown was on Avengers: Infinity Quest, which actually should have been the Smackdown our first league night since it was the newest game then, but I forgot. We had a special guest appearance by Biff, who played in the league prior to the hiatus but had not returned since. He told me that he is too busy with family now. He did play in our Tuesday Night Smackdown and I finally got to tell him that I won a blue ribbon at the 2021 Calhoun County Fair with a photo of him at league that I took in 2019.

Remember Biff? He was back (for a limited time)!

The Smackdown Champion was Jason, who set up the fun pose for his winners’ photo. Tim won the Undercard on The Munsters.

Jason brandishes the Double Danger Gem.
So which is cooler: Tim’s Smackdown Undercard medal/button, or his Moro shirt? OK, I know it’s the shirt, but I did color the medal in honor of it being Flag Day!

Finally, I want to extend a league welcome to our newest member, Kayl, whom I unfortunately seem not to have gotten any pictures of this time. Kayl is familiar to many due to being on the staff of The Avenue, and previously played in the March Hare Madness charity tournament.

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League Night Recap for 5/24/22

‘Member league night 2?

Oh yeah, I ‘member! That was fantastic.

It’s been three weeks since our last league night on May 24 so it’s quite possible you don’t ‘member it. So here I am with the league night recap to jog your memberies, I mean memories.

Brian getting in a game of Cactus Canyon.

If you ‘member even further back, you’ll recall that during League Night #1 we had to switch out two games due to malfunctions. This is no big deal when it happens during an odd-numbered league night. But now that we use a two-bank rotation scheme, having it happen during an even-numbered night causes problems. The game can’t just be switched because half the league would have played it already. And unfortunately, that’s what happened during League Night #2. The night got off on the wrong foot with the news that Lord of the Rings was down. Joseph broke it while practicing on it over the weekend. Thaaaaaaanks, Joseph. Just kidding – actually, the slingshot rubber broke while he was playing, which would have just happened during league otherwise. It was better to go into the night already knowing the game was out. As a result, half the league only played four games, making it a short night for many people. The people who weren’t able to play LotR that night will have to make it up before or after League Night #3.

Mike’s in luck: they have ranch dressing in the vending machine!

Longtime league player and previous champion Danny C. missed League Night #1, and last season had been having more trouble getting work off for league, so I thought he might not play this season. He made a sudden late appearance as most of the league play had finished for the night (he was surprised that there were no groups for him to join in progress, but it was a fast-moving night), but well ahead of the new official cutoff for starting league play for the night. Due to several really late nights for me and Joseph last season trying to accommodate late starters, we made a new rule this season that league play can start late but must start by 10 pm, which is around when I’m normally starting the Smackdown tournament.

Allen shows off the medal he won on Cactus Canyon in the Tuesday Night Smackdown side tournament.

We had our Tuesday Night Smackdown tournament on the Avenue’s newest game, the Cactus Canyon remake. There were a lot of high scores in qualifying. One of the league’s newest players, Johnny, qualified to play in the B division, but disappeared while I was tabulating scores and missed out on playing finals. I had told him he was definitely qualified, but either he didn’t hear me or just plain needed to call it a night. In the A division, Allen took home another plastic medal/button, Joseph got second, Jason was third, and Brian was fourth. The B division played off on Star Trek. Tim dominated the field, already far in the lead when his walk-off ball three came around. I got second, Josh got third, and Dan N. got fourth.

Tim shows off his score (a walk-off) on Star Trek in the Tuesday Night Smackdown B finals.

Our next league night is in a few short hours and Joseph and I will be coming early to supervise Smackdown games and makeups on Lord of the Rings. It’s also not too late for new members to join! I hope to see you all tonight!

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Rocket Robin Charity Pinball Tournament Returns

It’s time for Rocket Robin, the summer charity tournament to benefit the Capital Area Humane Society! The entry fee will be $10, with $9 going to the charity and $1 to the IFPA for sanctioning.

The format will be straight up head-to-head match play in a round robin style. Because we almost certainly won’t have the time to do a complete round robin, we will instead use “Strict Swiss” pairing to do as much of a round robin as possible. At the end of a designated time period the tournament will end and the person with the most wins (1 point per win) will be the champion. A single game on The Flip Side will break any ties for the trophy positions.

As far as I know this is the only IFPA tournament in Michigan to use this format, so it’s unique if nothing else! There will be trophies, a translite giveaway, and the satisfaction of knowing you supported a worthwhile cause.

The tournament will start at 6 pm on July 19, and the last round will start at or before 10 pm.

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League Night Recap for 5/10/22

Season 16 kicked off on May 10 with the first two banks of our new themed season, “The Olympian Gods.” At Mike’s suggestion, I had previously announced two fake banks called “Hestia” and “Hephaestus” (the gods of the hearth and the forge) each with five games all in the alcove. This was self-parody based on the unpopular “Hydra” bank from the Labors of Hercules seasons, which had all but one game in the alcove (mostly due to bad planning by me, but partly due to games being moved after I created the banks). I figured people would realize pretty quickly that it was a gag and was planning to leave it for a day before announcing the real banks, but Josh pleaded with me so hard not to do it that I felt I had to come clean sooner. In fact, this season I have instead made it so the banks are as separated as possible. With the new bank rotation scheme it’s impossible to avoid having multiple games in the alcove, but there will be two most nights and no more than three ever.

Joseph and Tim down in the pinball mines.

For our first night, bank A was supposed to be “Apollo”: The Walking Dead, The Beatles, KISS, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Medieval Madness; and “Hera”: The Simpsons, The Munsters, The Addams Family, Elvira’s House of Horrors, and Game of Thrones. Unfortunately, each bank had a game removed for a malfunction early on. The Walking Dead got switched for The Mandalorian and The Simpsons got switched for Lord of the Rings. In case anyone is wondering, I lean toward leaving imperfect games in play, and my standard for removing a game is whether the malfunction is likely to cause ball loss or put the game into an unplayable state. The Walking Dead was an edge case; the crossbow button wasn’t working, which eventually causes the game to randomly shoot the crossbow in an unpredictable direction. This doesn’t directly cause ball loss but it has a strong tendency to brick a shot and cause a drain that way. The Simpsons was an easier call because it was having issues with ejecting balls from the couch (at least I think that’s what the deal was) which eventually puts the game into an unplayable state. The alternate games are chosen from bank Ares, which was designated prior to the season as the “backup bank.” The removed games will hopefully be played when we get to that bank at the end of the season.

Joseph, Wolff, and the pink elephant watch Brian play Guardians of the Galaxy.

Most likely he wouldn’t have been able to do anything about the games on a moment’s notice anyway, but Derik was not in attendance. It was a warm day and he was off fishing. I noted that he would not have had to decide between fishing and league if he hadn’t taken our Fish Tales away.

Brian doesn’t want to be left out of Allen’s Smackdown Champion portrait.

We had a couple of new league members attend: Wolff (who had made his debut at the Mandalorian launch party) and a friend Wolff brought named John. Wolff hasn’t played much tournament pinball yet but he does have a Star Trek: The Next Generation at home (in fact, it’s the one Mike used to own). John hadn’t played much pinball before, but was hoping to find something fun to do. That’s the position I was in when I joined the league in November 2013, so I have to assume John will eventually be the league director.

You can tell Joseph took this photo of Allen and me with our Smackdown medals. They don’t call him the Dutch Angel for nothing.

Our Tuesday Night Smackdown game was on Indiana Jones and the random draw for the B division landed on Junk Yard, which sure seems like it has happened a lot starting last season. Allen was the Smackdown Champion, earning a tulip-themed medal I made to celebrate Tulip Time, and I got to take home the B division tulip for myself.

Tonight I dearly hope we will be finishing our bank rotation of Apollo and Hera because if something else goes down we’ll have a bit of an annoying situation to deal with. Hope to see you there!

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Season 16 Standings

This is the Google doc spreadsheet for Season 16. Keep in mind that scores are not meaningful until after a two-bank rotation has been completed.

Season 16 (follow this link)

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Derik and Allen Win Super-Ball XV

Mike looks less than thrilled to be playing The Simpsons, somehow.

Season 15 of the league finished up on April 12 with our traditional post-season split flipper tournament, Super-Ball XV, also known as the Zen Tournament. We had an even number turn up this time, so no one got to (or had to) play on two teams. Tim, who missed most of the second half of Season 15, happily reappeared for the event, teaming up with Jason. Mike (who has been on the most winning teams in the history of the tournament) usually tries to defend his Zen wins with the same partner, but his partner from last year, Josh, was out sick. Instead he teamed up with Joe P. The other teams were Derik and Allen, Brian and Bryan (AKA “Team Bry/ian”), and of course me and Joseph.

Jason and Tim play Star Wars as Brian watches.

I thought the Dream Team was going to be Tim and Jason, though their seeding undervalued them due to Tim’s being out for much of Season 15. Instead they took third and the finals were between Derik/Allen and Mike/Joe. Joseph and I managed to barely survive one round in the loser bracket, trading extremely close games with Team Bry/ian (they won by about 15,000 points on The Beatles and we won by about a million on The Addams Family; I forget what our third game was on).

Jason and Tim conferring about strategy.

Mike and Joe unfortunately failed to defend the title on behalf of Josh. Derik and Allen decided to take a sassy photo with the trophies, and then took a “real one.” Derik told me, “use whichever one you want.” I’ll use both.

The gracious winners?
That’s more like it.

Super-Ball XV was a bit low on attendance, but as usual it was big on fun. The tradition goes back to the first league season and was originated by the league’s original director, Matt. It will be back next season as always, and many seasons to come, I hope! Speaking of seasons, Season 16 will be starting tomorrow after a short delay due to the bar being closed for a few days during our intended starting week. This is a great time to join or rejoin the league. We have a new bank theme this season, “The Olympian Gods,” continuing the Greek mythology theme that I have used for several seasons.

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Season 16 Schedule

Season 16: The Olympian Gods

5/10 & 5/24 (A): “Apollo”: The Mandalorian (replacing The Walking Dead), The Beatles, KISS, Guardians of the Galaxy, Medieval Madness

5/10 & 5/24 (B): “Hera”: Lord of the Rings (replacing The Simpsons), The Munsters, The Addams Family, Elvira’s House of Horrors, Game of Thrones

6/14 & 6/28 (A): “Poseidon”: Iron Maiden, Junk Yard, TMNT, Monster Bash, Godzilla

6/14 & 6/28 (B): “Hermes”: The Getaway, TRON, Willy Wonka, Batman 66, Metallica

7/12 & 7/26 (A): “Athena”: Cactus Canyon (replaces Star Trek: The Next Generation), Avengers Infinity Quest, Rush, Jurassic Park, Black Knight: Sword of Rage

7/12 & 7/26 (B): “Hades”: AC/DC, Indiana Jones, Deadpool, Ghostbusters, Stranger Things

8/9 & 8/23 (A): “Ares”: The Simpsons (switched with Lord of the Rings), The Walking Dead (switched with The Mandalorian), Star Wars, Star Trek, Attack from Mars

8/9 & 8/23 (B): “Zeus”: Tales of the Arabian Nights, Scared Stiff, Guns N’ Roses, and two games chosen by vote: Cactus Canyon and Getaway.

9/13: Finals

9/27: Super-Ball XVI

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Mike defends his title again in the Season 15 playoffs

The season 15 final playoffs on March 22 ended with Mike successfully defending his Lansing Pinball League champion title in a final match against Derik. Allen finished third and was gracious enough to wait around until the very late final match played out so we could get a winners’ photo. (A couple of times we have staged two photos so the third place could go home, with the first and second place swapping trophies, but Mike developed a superstition that it was unlucky to touch the first place trophy before the end of the tournament, so that brief custom has been retired.) Allen hadn’t seen one of our special etched glass awards before and was impressed by them. Someone (maybe Derik) told him, “you can take that to Texas with you,” referring to the upcoming Texas Pinball Festival.

Various players play finals matches in the alcove.

This was our largest finals ever, with A division comprising 12 people, an expansion made possible by having an unprecedented 24 people play at least half the season. This resulted in a very long tournament, with Mike, the leader of the winner bracket, going out to his car to take a nap while the second-chance bracket dragged on. I began to have very serious concerns that the tournament might not finish before the bar closed at 1 am and I was having to think about what to do if that happened. We would have had to postpone the end of the tournament for a night that Derik and Mike were available.

Allen, Derik, and Mike, with their third, second, and first place awards, respectively.

Instead, when the final match came around, Mike did me a solid by picking The Beatles (one of the very few shorter-playing games left in the venue). He won the game and so Derik picked Tales of the Arabian Nights. On Mike’s last ball, he tilted a huge bonus and figured that it had likely cost him the game. It was a very surprising tilt because he hadn’t made any big moves with the game. In the photo, you can see how surprised and offended he was.

Mike reconsiders his life choices.

Derik had a good last ball and at a certain point Mike and Joseph began saying that he certainly had won on bonus. I told them not to say anything because it would be “coaching” and we had to wait until he actually passed Mike’s score. Moments later Derik tilted, causing Mike to cry out, “No! Derik!” This ended the night without having to go into a second round. For me this was good news, because another round certainly have resulted in us failing to finish before last call. Mike was rather distraught, saying he didn’t want to win that way, and Derik said he didn’t care: “I’ll sleep like a baby tonight.”

Derik plays Mike in the first game of the final match.

I think Joseph would want me to mention that he actually knocked out the number one seed, Josh, in the second chance bracket. Despite this, Joseph finished only a modest fifth. As this was his starting seed, he said that he had made technically the least improvement of anyone.

Todd poses with his third place B division award.

Over in B division, things also ran long but not quite as long. After securing third place, Todd had to take his photo and leave, because he was in danger of turning into a pumpkin at that late hour. That left Donny and Bryan to have two final matches, a fitting match-up because Bryan was the number one seed and Donny the number two. Donny came through the second-chance bracket and won the first round, but lost the second, making Bryan the B division champion for Season XV.

B division champ Bryan and second place Donny.

We did also have a Tuesday Night Smackdown on Getaway. I put up a great score in my one qualifying attempt, which later led me astray when I decided to pick it during finals and thoroughly faceplanted. Jason won the Smackdown but he had me get in the photo as a fellow finalist so you can see a very rare selfie by me. Unfortunately we had only one person available to play in B division so Jen won by default, playing a solo game of Indiana Jones for the title.

Jason wanted a group photo but two of the finalists wandered off, so we just got Jason’s winner photo with me trying for a selfie (badly).

That concludes Season XV, except for Super-Ball XV: The Zen Tournament, happening tonight. That is our traditional post-season, just-for-fun-and-a-corny-trophy split flipper tournament. I have already heard that defending Zen champions Josh and Mike are both out, so we will be crowning a new champion.

Jen shows off her B division Smackdown medal.
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Lansing Lightning Flippers: a Women’s Tournament Series

I’m going to be trying something new for the Lansing scene, a women’s tournament series called the Lansing Lightning Flippers. If it is successful it may become a regular monthly tournament. It will be free, novice-friendly, and eligible for women’s ranking points with the IFPA, which can be used to qualify for the women’s state championship (new this year). The format will be four-strikes knockout. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about women’s tournaments in pinball.

What’s the point of a women’s tournament? Can’t women compete with men at pinball?

Yes, of course, women can and do compete successfully with men at pinball. However, the IFPA recognizes that women are underrepresented in pinball. The reasons for this are diverse and complicated, but one likely factor is that pinball has not always been a socially welcoming hobby to women. The purpose of women’s tournaments is to try to encourage greater participation by women and to bring greater attention to women in pinball.

Can women’s-restricted tournaments be sanctioned by the IFPA? How does that work?

The IFPA has a separate WPPR (World Pinball Player Ranking) points system for women’s -restricted tournaments. They follow the same rules as other IFPA tournaments except for being restricted to women. Because there is no prize pool, women’s tournaments are not charged the $1 per player sanctioning fee, which is why ours can be free.

I’m a female player and I see myself listed in two different women’s rankings on the IFPA. What’s up with that?

The IFPA keeps two rankings for women. One is the women’s open ranking, and one is the women’s restricted ranking. The women’s open ranking uses only points earned by female players in open tournaments. The women’s restricted ranking is based on points earned in women’s restricted tournaments and does not consider open ranking points.

Which ranking is used to qualify for the women’s state championship?

Both rankings will be used to determine the qualifiers for the state championship. The higher of the two will be used for each player, based only on tournaments played in 2022. There will be 16 slots for the state championship this year. The odd numbered seeds will be drawn from the women’s open rankings for 2022, and the even numbered seeds will be drawn from the women’s restricted rankings for 2022. Unlike in the open state championship, there is no limit on the number of events that can be used toward someone’s ranking.

I’m a female player but I don’t see myself in the women’s rankings. Can I fix that?

Yes! That means that the IFPA does not know you want to be included in the women’s rankings. You can email ifpapinball@gmail.com and tell them you would like to be included in the women’s rankings.

Can men come to the event?

Men are welcome and encouraged to come, watch, socialize, and cheer on players.

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League Night Recap for 3/8/22

March 8 was the final regular night for Season 15, and so it would determine the final standings for the playoffs on March 22. As a result, the competition was really heated, especially for the top seed positions in A division. I had been allowing anyone who came late to still play their league games provided they arrived before Joseph and I left for the night. This night pushed that to an extreme, as both Mike and Danny were held up at work. Because of the tight competition, neither one was about to give up a night’s points. Mike ended up arriving around 10 pm but Danny didn’t know when he would be able to come. Joseph volunteered to wait as long as it took for Danny to make it, but that ended up being nearly midnight. I actually left as Danny arrived, leaving Joseph in charge, because I had things I had to do before bed and school in the morning. According to Joseph, by the time Danny and thus the league session finished, the bar had turned off most of the pinball machines and they were about to start closing up.

Brian plays Rush in the Smackdown finals.

Even if not for that, it would have been a late night. First, league was unusually long for our new format. My group ended up backed up for ages behind Joseph’s group as he played a huge (I mean, not Eric Stone huge, but Lansing huge) game of Batman ’66. In retrospect, I really should have just skipped over them to KISS, but I was held back by knowing that in the past skipping groups caused problems and backups. This was a time I really should have made an exception: we ended up waiting probably 45 minutes. Sorry, Lexi and Nate!

Joseph awards the B division Smackdown medal to Jim for his win on Junk Yard.

Then there was the Smackdown. We had just gotten a new game, Rush, and so as is my usual habit for new games, I made it the Tuesday Night Smackdown game. When “Rush” was first announced as Stern’s next pinball theme, Joseph joked, “I’m looking forward to the guaranteed 17-minute play time.” When we arrived and set up the Smackdown tournament, we quickly discovered that the joke had come true, it is a really long-playing game. Only four people (playing together) managed to get a qualifying game in before league started. During finals, on Ball 3, Jason (player 2) had played a really huge game, putting him far in the lead, and Brian (player 3) was now up. It had already been going on for ages at this point. Then the game decided to completely crash and reset. I had written down a 4th place already for Player 1 (Joe) as his position was already determined, but no one else’s was, and I had not recorded any scores. As a result I had to rule a complete restart of the game between everyone except Joe. After another long game, Allen emerged the winner.

Jim shows off his medal.

Around the same time that Rush reset, Mike was playing his league game of Batman ’66, and that also reset. I wondered at first whether the two issues were due to a power fluctuation, but it turned out that Mike’s reset and the Rush reset were about five minutes apart. Fortunately, Joseph was observing Mike’s game and was able to attest the approximate score, and so I ruled that Mike could keep that score and add compensation balls to it.

The Rush Smackdown finalists: Joe (4th), Allen (3rd), Jason (2nd), and Brian (1st).

Finally, sometime after 12:30 am, Danny was finished and Joseph went home. Season 15 was in the books, except for playoffs tonight. It was an eventful season and it should be an exciting finale. I hope to see you there.

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