Hard to believe it’s already time for another league night – the seventh of Season 4. Here is the (very) tentative list of games (and a couple of notes about maintenance issues):
- Theatre of Magic: watch out for Midnight, because the magnet likes to drop the ball straight down the middle.
- World Cup Soccer
- The Addams Family: I will be surprised if this actually gets played, since it is still intermittently suffering from the ball-loading problem.
- Tales of the Arabian Nights: skill shot is still not working, but no one cares besides Joseph and me.
- Medieval Madness (if more than 16 players)
Matt will be gone again this time, so I presume Aaron will preside over the revelry like Dionysus in a hoodie. Sadly, Joseph and I will also be gone, our first absence since joining the league. (I had to buy tickets to a concert before our league season was scheduled and I knew there was a 50/50 chance I would end up missing a league night… and I got unlucky. Sniff…) Here’s hoping someone gets some good pictures they can pass on to me for the blog.
7 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday 4/7), the Avenue: be there, even though I won’t!