League Night Recap for 2/11/25

It’s sad to write the league night recap this time since it marks the last league night that Ethan played. We lost Ethan unexpectedly last week. I was hoping to feature photos of him in this recap, but then I discovered that it was one of those nights when I got distracted and didn’t start taking photos until near the end of the night, and his only appearance is half of his back. I’m very sorry for that. As it happens, Ethan’s last league night was a very good one for him, as he finished second so far on Bank 4 (Perseus).

New player Greg and old hand Brian, hard at work in the pinball mines.

We had a last and a first on the same night, as so often happens in life. While it was Ethan’s last league night, it was also the first league night for our new member Greg. Greg is new to competition play but not to pinball. Coincidentally, I ran into Greg again not long later at RLM Amusements in Grand Rapids during their Dungeons and Dragons launch party. We didn’t get to play together either time, though. We also have had a temporary departure as Christy is going to be living in Minnesota for a couple of months due to her husband’s work, but she expects to make it back to the league in April in time to qualify for finals.

Christy thought I should be in one of the photos for a change, so she asked me to do a Charlie’s Angels pose with her. Joseph took the photo. Unfortunately the accidental capture of half of Ethan’s back as he plays John Wick in the Smackdown B division finals is my only Ethan photo of the night.

Peter set up streaming on Game of Thrones, giving the people who played bank Corvus that night a chance to be on the stream. Corvus is one of the banks that still retains a fair bit of its “theme.” Corvus is the Crow, so the games mostly have birds in them, with the exception of Attack from Mars which got square-pegged into the bank on the basis that it has flying saucers. Perseus is supposed to be a “heroes and adventure” bank, although I can’t remember how AC/DC ended up in it. I probably just couldn’t figure out where else to put it.

Devon plays in the Smackdown tournament.

Attack from Mars was, for some reason, playing ridiculously tough for people. I don’t think there’s anything I can objectively identify that was different about it, but the scores were remarkably low. I beat the rest of my group with a score of 943M and that score put me above the night’s median for the entire league!

Smackdown undercard winner Joseph and main champ Tim.

Our Tuesday Night Smackdown game was Uncanny X-Men, and the B division played on John Wick. Tim won the A division tournament and Joseph won the B division.

That’s it for yet another recap. See you all shortly. It will be a strangely quiet night without Ethan, but we’ll have each other’s company as consolation.

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