League Night Recap for 8/28/24

We had our second meeting of the season, and our last on a Wednesday, on August 28. This was a hectic meeting for me because it was also a work day, my semester having started that week. I rushed over, exhausted, after quickly eating something at home and found everyone waiting for me to arrive. We had another new player join, Nathan, who told me at the end that this was his first time playing in league and he had a blast! The biggest surprise of the night might have been the return of Lexi, who had been busy with life and had not played for several seasons. I admitted to her that I thought she might have decided she was over pinball and she emphatically told me she is definitely not over it. Jim, Bryan’s dad, also made a reappearance after a shorter absence from league. It’s great to have them back and, of course, all the new players who keep coming and aren’t scared away by our antics. (“Antics” is, of course, Ethan’s middle name.) I am hoping some of our previous players like Adam, Grant, Anne-Marie, Ted, and Mark will also reappear before the season is out!

Everyone had a crowded and hot night in the alcove.
I found this written on a post in the alcove. If only we had a Taxi this would be true.

This week we wrapped up the rotation between banks Ophiuchus (the Snake-Bearer) and Lepus (the Hare). For those who are new to our bank system, the banks always have a theme and so far we’ve done a few different ones but they have all been related to Greek mythology in some way. The first time we used banks the theme was the Muses, then we switched to the Labors of Hercules, then the Olympian Gods, and now we’ve been using Constellations for a few seasons. This is appropriate since I got the idea of naming the banks from Pinburgh and they used constellations at least one year. The King of the Snakes (i.e. winner of Ophiuchus) was Josh, and El-ahrairah the Prince of Rabbits (i.e. winner of Lepus) was Tim. As for the current standings, well, everyone is tied for 1st since everyone is dropping their two lowest nights! That will finally change after tonight’s meeting.

Devon hopes to learn something from Dan on Black Knight.

Our Smackdown game was James Bond 007 and the winner was Josh. The undercard on Ghostbusters was won by Tim. See you all tonight, when our Smackdown will be on Black Knight: Sword of Rage! RAAAAAAAAAGE!

Jason poses with his “gun” after winning on 007.

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