Silver Balls in the City Shines Again

The annual Silver Balls in the City charity tournament will take place on December 26, 2024 at The Avenue Cafe. The festivities will kick off at 6:30 pm. This tournament will support the Capital Area Humane Society. We will be doing group strikes again this year, but instead of progressive strikes we will be doing “fair strikes,” which should keep us from quite such a late finish as we had last year. The strikes in a four player group will be 0/1/1/2 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place), in a three player group will be 0/1/2, and in a two-player group will be 0/2.

Cost to enter is $10 plus coin drop (average 75 cents per game) and we’ll have prize drawings and a charity raffle! Anyone wearing a Christmas sweater or other Christmas attire will have an extra $2 donated to CAHS on their behalf. This is usually our most popular tournament of the year; let’s make it an all-time record!

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